Mesin Nasi Goreng Otomatis Menggunakan Metode PID Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560
A Suprapmoko, R Arifuddin… - JEECAE (Journal of …, 2020 - journal.pnm.ac.id
Dengan adanya perkembanganoteknologi pada masa ini, banyak peralatanoyang
dirancang untuk memberi kemudahan bagi masyarakat salah satunya adalah teknologi …
dirancang untuk memberi kemudahan bagi masyarakat salah satunya adalah teknologi …
Temperature And Humidity Control Based On Quail Eggs
DE Yuliana - JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering …, 2020 - jurnal.unmer.ac.id
In quail DOQ cultivation after the quail eggs hatch, DOQ (Day Old Quail) quail chicks need a
warm place as a substitute for the mother to maintain the temperature of the body, because …
warm place as a substitute for the mother to maintain the temperature of the body, because …
Kontrol pH Sistem Aeroponik Pada Tanaman Strawberry Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic
Perkembangan sector pertanian sangat berdampak pada kehidupan manusia, khususnya
pada bidang pertanian. Perkembangan teknologi pertanian sangat mendukung bagi tempat …
pada bidang pertanian. Perkembangan teknologi pertanian sangat mendukung bagi tempat …
[PDF][PDF] Design and Implementation of Personnel Tracking and Combat Vehicle Based on Microcontrollers
The Indonesian National Army (TNI) is a state apparatus tasked with protecting the
sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The increasing demands of the …
sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The increasing demands of the …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of the Failure of PLC Master Station Communication and DCS DELTA V ON MOV (Motor Operated Valve) at PT. TRANS-Pasific Petrochemical …
The technology development nowadays is very rapid in various fields especially in
industrialization that can support a reliable production process, one of which is a motor …
industrialization that can support a reliable production process, one of which is a motor …
Demodulator That Converts Encoder Stereo Signal Into L And R Audio Signal
A Faisol - Demodulator That Converts Encoder Stereo Signal Into …, 2020 - eprints.itn.ac.id
AB STR AC T (1 0 PT) Keywords FM_Radio Stereo Decoder As technology develops in
today's age, there are many radio equipment easily found in the market. Certainly, there is a …
today's age, there are many radio equipment easily found in the market. Certainly, there is a …