Comparative analysis of mobile laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning for the indoor map**

AY Yiğit, SN Gamze Hamal, A Ulvi… - Building Research & …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Efficient three-dimension exploration of a complex indoor environment remains a difficult
duration in map** accuracy requirements for geometric data. Indoor and outdoor …

[HTML][HTML] Construction progress monitoring through the integration of 4D BIM and SLAM-based map** devices

GPM Vassena, L Perfetti, S Comai… - Buildings, 2023 -
In the architecture, engineering and construction industry, site management during
construction is a key phase. Scheduling activities and monitoring their progress allow any …

Performance investigation and repeatability assessment of a mobile robotic system for 3D map**

E Maset, L Scalera, A Beinat, D Visintini, A Gasparetto - Robotics, 2022 -
In this paper, we present a quantitative performance investigation and repeatability
assessment of a mobile robotic system for 3D map**. With the aim of a more efficient and …

[HTML][HTML] The combined use of SLAM laser scanning and TLS for the 3D indoor map**

A Keitaanniemi, JP Virtanen, P Rönnholm, A Kukko… - Buildings, 2021 -
An efficient 3D survey of a complex indoor environment remains a challenging task,
especially if the accuracy requirements for the geometric data are high for instance in …

Preliminary survey of historic buildings with wearable mobile map** systems and uav photogrammetry

L Perfetti, GPM Vassena, F Fassi - International Archives of the …, 2023 -
In cultural heritage, three-dimensional documentation of historic buildings is fundamental for
conservation and valorisation projects. In recent years, the consolidated tools and methods …

Simulation modelling in a BIM environment: the case of school re-opening during Covid-19 pandemic

S Comai, D Simeone, SM Ventura… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
The Covid-19 pandemic influenced the way that buildings are used and experienced. In
particular, educational facilities were among the most affected by the pandemic in terms of …

[PDF][PDF] Point Cloud Registration and Accuracy for 3D Modelling-A Review

AF Razali, MFM Ariff, Z Majid - Management, 2021 -
Geoinformation is a surveying and map** field where topography and details on the
ground are spatially mapped. The point cloud is one of the data types that is used for …

[PDF][PDF] Performance Investigation and Repeatability Assessment of a Mobile Robotic System for 3D Map**. Robotics 2022, 11, 54

E Maset, L Scalera, A Beinat, D Visintini, A Gasparetto - 2022 -
In this paper, we present a quantitative performance investigation and repeatability
assessment of a mobile robotic system for 3D map**. With the aim of a more efficient and …

Map** for indoor walking path using mobile laser scanning

N Ruslan, NS Rosadlan, N Naharudin… - Built Environment …, 2020 -
Walkability is one of the keys in develo** a sustainable city. These days, many cities have
considered enhancing walkability for pedestrian paths to ensure the seamless walking …