A repository of Unix history and evolution
D Spinellis - Empirical Software Engineering, 2017 - Springer
The history and evolution of the Unix operating system is made available as a revision
management repository, covering the period from its inception in 1972 as a five thousand …
management repository, covering the period from its inception in 1972 as a five thousand …
The evolution of C programming practices: a study of the Unix operating system 1973--2015
Tracking long-term progress in engineering and applied science allows us to take stock of
things we have achieved, appreciate the factors that led to them, and set realistic goals for …
things we have achieved, appreciate the factors that led to them, and set realistic goals for …
Broken Windows: Exploring the Applicability of a Controversial Theory on Code Quality
D Spinellis, P Louridas, M Kechagia… - … and Evolution (ICSME …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Is the quality of existing code correlated with the quality of subsequent changes? According
to the (controversial) broken windows theory, which inspired this study, disorder sets …
to the (controversial) broken windows theory, which inspired this study, disorder sets …
Tools! tools! we need tools!
D Spinellis - Perspectives on data science for software engineering, 2016 - Elsevier
Science has always progressed mightily through the use of tools. A key element for the
application of data science in software engineering is the availability of suitable tools. Such …
application of data science in software engineering is the availability of suitable tools. Such …
Mapeamento e aplicação de testes estatísticos em Engenharia de Software
MNP Detoni - 2020 - tede2.pucrs.br
RESUMO A Engenharia de Software costuma desenvolver e indicar o uso de diferentes
ferramentas para construção de uma solução computacional. Além disso, um dos objetivos …
ferramentas para construção de uma solução computacional. Além disso, um dos objetivos …
[PDF][PDF] Survey on Secure Web Mail System and File Sessions
KS Chethan, RK VG - academia.edu
In this paper we study the evolution of C programming in the Unix operating system. We
extract, aggregate, and synthesize metrics from snapshots obtained from an artificial …
extract, aggregate, and synthesize metrics from snapshots obtained from an artificial …