An overview of correlation-filter-based object tracking
In the last two decades, object tracking has been one of the prevalent fields in social media.
Object tracking uses a dynamic model to track the same target, aiming to analyze the same …
Object tracking uses a dynamic model to track the same target, aiming to analyze the same …
Human-machine collaboration for smart decision making: current trends and future opportunities
Recently, modeling of decision making and control systems that include heterogeneous
smart sensing devices (machines) as well as human agents as participants is becoming an …
smart sensing devices (machines) as well as human agents as participants is becoming an …
Balancing localization accuracy and location privacy in mobile cooperative localization
Location privacy leakage in cooperative localization is receiving increasing attention. Geo-
indistinguishability (GI) protects location privacy by adding random noise to an actual …
indistinguishability (GI) protects location privacy by adding random noise to an actual …
Modeling and analysis of competitive behavior in social systems
A new competition model is developed in this article, which aims to describe the competitive
behavior in social systems. Taking social networks as an example, the constructed model …
behavior in social systems. Taking social networks as an example, the constructed model …
Collaborative human decision making with heterogeneous agents
While there has been extensive work on modeling of human decision-making both for
individuals and groups from a cognitive psychology point of view, research on this topic from …
individuals and groups from a cognitive psychology point of view, research on this topic from …
Walrasian equilibrium-based pricing mechanism for health-data crowdsensing under information asymmetry
While prior studies have designed incentive mechanisms to attract the public to share their
collected data, they tend to ignore information asymmetry between data requesters and …
collected data, they tend to ignore information asymmetry between data requesters and …
On human assisted decision making for machines using correlated observations
In this paper, the aim is to model the dependence between a continuous machine
observation and a discrete human decision maker using copula theory for a binary …
observation and a discrete human decision maker using copula theory for a binary …
Utility-theory-based optimal resource consumption for inference in iot systems
We study the problem of a sensor performing inference tasks based on the utility theory,
where the objective is to derive the optimal resource usage amount that maximizes a profit …
where the objective is to derive the optimal resource usage amount that maximizes a profit …
IFAA: an intelligent framework aware algorithm to determine the boundary of area under attack in military surveillance and reconnaissance WSN
DS Raj, RHS Babu - Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 2022 - search.proquest.com
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have proven effective in military applications of
surveillance and reconnaissance. Sensors capable of detecting pressure, temperature …
surveillance and reconnaissance. Sensors capable of detecting pressure, temperature …
Loss Attitude Aware Energy Management for Signal Detection
This work considers a Bayesian signal processing problem where increasing the power of
the probing signal may cause risks or undesired consequences. We employ a market based …
the probing signal may cause risks or undesired consequences. We employ a market based …