A sco** review of In-the-loop paradigms in the energy sector focusing on software-in-the-loop

CSB Clausen, BN Jørgensen, ZG Ma - Energy Informatics, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) testing is an approach used for verification and
validation in the energy sector. However, there is no comprehensive overview of the …

A hardware-in-the-loop platform for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles

IHB Pizetta, AS Brandao, M Sarcinelli-Filho - Journal of Intelligent & …, 2016 - Springer
This work describes the development of a platform to deal with simulated and real
autonomous flights with rotary-wing aircrafts. Such a platform, referred to as AuRoRA …

Control by 3d simulation–a new erobotics approach to control design in automation

J Rossmann, M Schluse, C Schlette… - Intelligent Robotics and …, 2012 - Springer
This paper introduces new so-called control by 3D simulation concepts which are the basis
for the simulation based development of complex control algorithms eg in the field of …

Distributed co-simulation for software-in-the-loop testing of networked railway systems

T Pieper, R Obermaisser - 2018 7th Mediterranean conference …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Software-in-the-loop (SIL) is a common methodology for repeatable and controllable
component testing during the development process of complex systems. Testing the …

Parametric architectural design using shapes and structures

A Manavis, L Firtikiadis, T Spahiu… - Journal of Graphic …, 2022 - sp.ftn.uns.ac.rs
This paper explores the creation of architectural structures through parametric design tools.
The proposed methodology presents an alternative framework of using digital tools for the …

Network-Centric Co-Simulation Framework for Software-In-the-Loop Testing of Geographically Distributed Simulation Components

T Pieper, R Obermaisser - 2018 IEEE International Conference …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Distributed embedded real-time systems are typically composed of several subsystems
which have to be integrated and tested. The components are integrated with real-time …

RT-SIL performance analysis of synchrophasor-and-active load-based power system dam** controllers

GM Jonsdottir, MS Almas, M Baudette… - 2015 IEEE Power & …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Icelandic power network has transmission constraints that often lead to inter-area
oscillations. Although conventional stabilization methods have been applied successfully in …

Distributed co-simulation framework for hardware-and software-in-the-loop testing of networked embedded real-time systems

T Pieper - 2020 - dspace.ub.uni-siegen.de
Today's complex control systems such as trains, aircraft or cars are typically composed of
multiple networked components which are developed by geographically distributed …

[PDF][PDF] Hardware in the loop simulation for industrial process control

F Fakir, D Brunini, EP Godoy - Emerson …, 2014 - emersonautomationexperts.com
Real-time simulation for control loop design and operators training systems (OTS) are
increasingly being used in the process industry due to some advantages as safety …

[PDF][PDF] Advanced UAV hybrid simulator model based-on dynamic real weather data

A Ahmed, B Abdelhamid - International Journal of Modeling and …, 2015 - academia.edu
(UAV) simulators and all pilot training efforts, UAV crashes still exist. This is because of
neglecting the effect of some environmental parameters such as wind turbulence during the …