X-ray magnetic circular dichroism—A versatile tool to study magnetism

G Van der Laan, AI Figueroa - Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2014‏ - Elsevier
An overview of different chemical complexes studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism
(XMCD) is presented. We intend to show to the chemistry community the possibilities of this …

Surface oxidation/spin state determines oxygen evolution reaction activity of cobalt-based catalysts in acidic environment

J Huang, CN Borca, T Huthwelker, NS Yüzbasi… - Nature …, 2024‏ - nature.com
Co-based catalysts are promising candidates to replace Ir/Ru-based oxides for oxygen
evolution reaction (OER) catalysis in an acidic environment. However, both the reaction …

Molecular lanthanide single-ion magnets: from bulk to submonolayers

J Dreiser - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2015‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Single-ion magnets (SIMs) are mononuclear molecular complexes exhibiting slow relaxation
of magnetization. They are currently attracting a lot of interest because of potential …

Magnetic remanence in single atoms

F Donati, S Rusponi, S Stepanow, C Wäckerlin… - Science, 2016‏ - science.org
A permanent magnet retains a substantial fraction of its saturation magnetization in the
absence of an external magnetic field. Realizing magnetic remanence in a single atom …

Reaching the magnetic anisotropy limit of a 3d metal atom

IG Rau, S Baumann, S Rusponi, F Donati, S Stepanow… - Science, 2014‏ - science.org
Designing systems with large magnetic anisotropy is critical to realize nanoscopic magnets.
Thus far, the magnetic anisotropy energy per atom in single-molecule magnets and …

[PDF][PDF] Giant hysteresis of single-molecule magnets adsorbed on a nonmagnetic insulator

C Wäckerlin, F Donati, A Singha, R Baltic, S Rusponi… - 2016‏ - infoscience.epfl.ch
DOI: 10.1002/adma. 201506305 metal electrode. We use nonmagnetic, insulating MgO,
wellknown in inorganic spintronic applications,[17, 18] which allows to control the electron …

Origin of Interface Magnetism in and Heterostructures

M Salluzzo, S Gariglio, D Stornaiuolo, V Sessi… - Physical review …, 2013‏ - APS
Possible ferromagnetism induced in otherwise nonmagnetic materials has been motivating
intense research in complex oxide heterostructures. Here we show that a confined …

Design and performance of BOREAS, the beamline for resonant X-ray absorption and scattering experiments at the ALBA synchrotron light source

A Barla, J Nicolás, D Cocco, SM Valvidares… - Synchrotron …, 2016‏ - journals.iucr.org
The optical design of the BOREAS beamline operating at the ALBA synchrotron radiation
facility is described. BOREAS is dedicated to resonant X-ray absorption and scattering …

[HTML][HTML] Revisiting the hydration structure of aqueous Na+

M Galib, MD Baer, LB Skinner, CJ Mundy… - The Journal of …, 2017‏ - pubs.aip.org
A combination of theory, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and extended x-ray absorption fine structure
(EXAFS) are used to probe the hydration structure of aqueous Na+. The high spatial …

Reversible coordination-induced spin-state switching in complexes on metal surfaces

A Köbke, F Gutzeit, F Röhricht, A Schlimm… - Nature …, 2020‏ - nature.com
Molecular spin switches are attractive candidates for controlling the spin polarization
develo** at the interface between molecules and magnetic metal surfaces,, which is …