Natural language processing in accounting, auditing and finance: A synthesis of the literature with a roadmap for future research

IE Fisher, MR Garnsey… - Intelligent Systems in …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Natural language processing (NLP) is a part of the artificial intelligence domain focused on
communication between humans and computers. NLP attempts to address the inherent …

Guiding through the fog: Financial statement complexity and voluntary disclosure

W Guay, D Samuels, D Taylor - Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2016 - Elsevier
A growing literature documents that complex financial statements negatively affect the
information environment. In this paper, we examine whether managers use voluntary …

Processing fluency and investors' reactions to disclosure readability

K Rennekamp - Journal of accounting research, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The SEC's emphasis on the use of plain English is designed to make disclosures more
readable and more informative. Using an experiment, I find that more readable disclosures …

Text‐based sentiment analysis in finance: Synthesising the existing literature and exploring future directions

A Todd, J Bowden, Y Moshfeghi - Intelligent Systems in …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Summary Advances in Deep Learning have drastically improved the abilities of Natural
Language Processing (NLP) research, creating new state‐of‐the‐art benchmarks. Two …

Annual report readability and accounting irregularities: evidence from public listed companies in Indonesia

G Soepriyanto, S Tjokroaminoto… - Journal of Financial …, 2021 -
Purpose This study aims to examine the association between annual report readability and
accounting irregularities in Indonesia. Using 967 firm-year observations over the 2014–2017 …

Tracking disclosure change trajectories for financial fraud detection

R Liu, J Huang, Z Zhang - Production and Operations …, 2023 -
The global economic disruption brought by COVID‐19 crisis can set a stage for the
prevalence of financial statement frauds, which jeopardize the efficient functioning of capital …

Linguistic characteristics of shill reviews

T Ong, M Mannino, D Gregg - Electronic Commerce Research and …, 2014 - Elsevier
This exploratory study investigates the linguistic characteristics of shill reviews and develops
a tool for extracting product features from the text of product reviews. Shill reviews are …

Annual reports readability from linguistic and communication perspectives: Systematic literature review

H Gutiérrez Ponce… - Business and …, 2023 -
This research presents a new theoretical framework through assessing readability research
based on the linguistics and communication perspectives to determine the obfuscation …

Financial reporting readability: Managerial choices versus firm fundamentals

R Hesarzadeh, A Bazrafshan… - Spanish Journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
An implicit premise of regulators and much empirical research is that financial reporting
readability (readability) substantially reflects management choices. To investigate this issue …

Do poor and good performing companies report differently? The readability and impression management in corporate narrative documents: Evidence from Northern …

O Pasko, S Minta, S Rudenko… - Verslas: Teorija ir praktika …, 2020 -
The purpose of this paper is to assess the effect of financial performance on textual features
of the CEO's statement. Specifically, given the incentives of poorly performed companies …