A review of gravitational memory and BMS frame fixing in numerical relativity
Gravitational memory effects and the BMS freedoms exhibited at future null infinity have
recently been resolved and utilized in numerical relativity simulations. With this, gravitational …
recently been resolved and utilized in numerical relativity simulations. With this, gravitational …
Nonlinear effects in black hole ringdown
We report evidence for nonlinear modes in the ringdown stage of the gravitational waveform
produced by the merger of two comparable-mass black holes. We consider both the …
produced by the merger of two comparable-mass black holes. We consider both the …
Gravitational waves from extreme-mass-ratio systems in astrophysical environments
We establish a generic, fully relativistic formalism to study gravitational-wave emission by
extreme-mass-ratio systems in spherically symmetric, nonvacuum black hole spacetimes …
extreme-mass-ratio systems in spherically symmetric, nonvacuum black hole spacetimes …
Agnostic black hole spectroscopy: Quasinormal mode content of numerical relativity waveforms and limits of validity of linear perturbation theory
Black hole spectroscopy is the program to measure the complex gravitational wave
frequencies of merger remnants, and to quantify their agreement with the characteristic …
frequencies of merger remnants, and to quantify their agreement with the characteristic …
Dynamical tidal response of Kerr black holes from scattering amplitudes
MVS Saketh, Z Zhou, MM Ivanov - Physical Review D, 2024 - APS
We match scattering amplitudes in point particle effective field theory (EFT) and general
relativity to extract low frequency dynamical tidal responses of rotating (Kerr) black holes to …
relativity to extract low frequency dynamical tidal responses of rotating (Kerr) black holes to …
Extracting linear and nonlinear quasinormal modes from black hole merger simulations
In general relativity, when two black holes merge they produce a rotating (Kerr) black hole
remnant. According to perturbation theory, the remnant emits “ringdown” radiation; a …
remnant. According to perturbation theory, the remnant emits “ringdown” radiation; a …
Ringdown of GW190521: Hints of multiple quasinormal modes with a precessional interpretation
GW190521 is a short-duration, low-frequency gravitational-wave signal in the LIGO-Virgo
catalogue. The signal is consistent with the ringdown and possibly some of the inspiral …
catalogue. The signal is consistent with the ringdown and possibly some of the inspiral …
Physical significance of the black hole quasinormal mode spectra instability
It has been shown, via specific examples and a pseudospectrum analysis, that the black
hole quasinormal spectra are unstable. The implication of such a result for gravitational …
hole quasinormal spectra are unstable. The implication of such a result for gravitational …
Excitation of quadratic quasinormal modes for Kerr black holes
The excitation of quadratic quasinormal modes is an important nonlinear phenomenon for a
Kerr black hole ringing at a specific linear mode. The amplitude of this second-order effect is …
Kerr black hole ringing at a specific linear mode. The amplitude of this second-order effect is …
Nonlinearities in the tidal Love numbers of black holes
Tidal Love numbers describe the linear response of a compact object under the presence of
external tidal perturbations, and they are found to vanish exactly for black holes within …
external tidal perturbations, and they are found to vanish exactly for black holes within …