Intergenerational transfer of ageing: parental age and offspring lifespan
The extent to which the age of parents at reproduction can affect offspring lifespan and other
fitness-related traits is important in our understanding of the selective forces sha** life …
fitness-related traits is important in our understanding of the selective forces sha** life …
The deteriorating soma and the indispensable germline: gamete senescence and offspring fitness
The idea that there is an impenetrable barrier that separates the germline and soma has
shaped much thinking in evolutionary biology and in many other disciplines. However …
shaped much thinking in evolutionary biology and in many other disciplines. However …
Meta-analysis shows no consistent evidence for senescence in ejaculate traits across animals
Male reproductive traits such as ejaculate size and quality, are expected to decline with
advancing age due to senescence. It is however unclear whether this expectation is upheld …
advancing age due to senescence. It is however unclear whether this expectation is upheld …
Male allocation to ejaculation and mating effort imposes different life history trade-offs
When males compete, sexual selection favors reproductive traits that increase their mating
or fertilization success (pre-and postcopulatory sexual selection). It is assumed that males …
or fertilization success (pre-and postcopulatory sexual selection). It is assumed that males …
The better, the choosier: A meta‐analysis on interindividual variation of male mate choice
Male mate choice occurs in several animal species, but we know little about the factors that
influence the expression of this behaviour. Males vary in their capacity to acquire mates (ie …
influence the expression of this behaviour. Males vary in their capacity to acquire mates (ie …
The hidden ageing costs of sperm competition
Ageing and sexual selection are intimately linked. There is by now compelling evidence
from studies performed across diverse organisms that males allocating resources to mating …
from studies performed across diverse organisms that males allocating resources to mating …
Timeless or tainted? The effects of male ageing on seminal fluid
Reproductive ageing can occur due to the deterioration of both the soma and germline. In
males, it has mostly been studied with respect to age-related changes in sperm. However …
males, it has mostly been studied with respect to age-related changes in sperm. However …
Male sperm storage impairs sperm quality in the zebrafish
Variation in sperm traits is widely documented both at inter-and intraspecific level. However,
sperm traits vary also between ejaculates of the same male, due for example, to fluctuations …
sperm traits vary also between ejaculates of the same male, due for example, to fluctuations …
Paternal environment effects are driven by female reproductive fluid but not sperm age in an external fertilizer
Sperm ageing after ejaculation can generate paternal environment effects that impact
offspring fitness. In many species, female reproductive fluids (FRFs), ie ancillary fluids …
offspring fitness. In many species, female reproductive fluids (FRFs), ie ancillary fluids …
Quantifying the costs of pre-and postcopulatory traits for males: Evidence that costs of ejaculation are minor relative to mating effort
Although it is widely stated that both mating behavior and sperm traits are energetically
costly for males, we currently lack empirical estimates of the relative costs to males of pre …
costly for males, we currently lack empirical estimates of the relative costs to males of pre …