Corporate communications: Convention, complexity and critique
LT Christensen, G Cheney, M Morsing - 2008 - torrossa.com
Today we find all sorts of organizations and collectivities speaking. Nevertheless, we know
surprisingly little about messages by, from and for organizations. Put another way, we have …
surprisingly little about messages by, from and for organizations. Put another way, we have …
[Књига][B] Re-investing authenticity: Tourism, place and emotions
BT Knudsen, AM Waade - 2010 - books.google.com
From the highly influential concept of 'staged authenticity'discussed by Dean MacCannell, to
the general claim of longing for authenticity on behalf of all Western consumers, made by …
the general claim of longing for authenticity on behalf of all Western consumers, made by …
[Књига][B] Organizational theory and aesthetic philosophies
A Strati - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Diverse philosophies constitute the theoretical ground of the study of the aesthetic side of
organization. In fact, there is not a single unique philosophy behind the organizational …
organization. In fact, there is not a single unique philosophy behind the organizational …
The impact of aesthetics on employee satisfaction and motivation
There are potential connections between artifacts (as an expression of organisational
culture) and employee satisfaction, identity, mood, creativity and motivation. Aesthetics …
culture) and employee satisfaction, identity, mood, creativity and motivation. Aesthetics …
Didaktisk Design: Digitale læreprocesser
BH Sørensen, K Levinsen - The 13th European Conference on e …, 2014 - vbn.aau.dk
Denne bog præsenterer en didaktisk tænkning og praksis, der understøtter differentieret
undervisning og elevers egen digitale produktion. Forfatterne tager afsæt i tre didaktiske …
undervisning og elevers egen digitale produktion. Forfatterne tager afsæt i tre didaktiske …
Organisationens usynlighed
O Thyssen - Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
The systems theoretical hypothesis that organizations are social systems, consisting of
communication, has as a consequence that organizations are invisible for both internal and …
communication, has as a consequence that organizations are invisible for both internal and …
Kultursektoren og kreativ næring i norsk økonomi: Et dedifferensieringsperspektiv på utviklingen
AB Gran - Praktisk økonomi & finans, 2017 - idunn.no
Artikkelen omhandler kulturlivets og kreativ nærings betydning for norsk økonomi.
Internasjonalt fremheves sektorens økonomiske potensial, og den kultur-og næringspolitiske …
Internasjonalt fremheves sektorens økonomiske potensial, og den kultur-og næringspolitiske …
Thrillscapes: Wilderness mediated as playground
SG THY - Re-investing authenticity, 2010 - degruyter.com
This chapter studies the commercial construction of wilderness as playground, based on the
case of Voss, a small West Norwegian township in Hordaland, Norway. In just 10 years …
case of Voss, a small West Norwegian township in Hordaland, Norway. In just 10 years …
[Књига][B] Når organisationen bliver mangfoldig: om vidensdeling og interaktion i etnisk mangfoldige organisationer
J Lauring - 2005 - pure.au.dk
Afhandlingen beskæftiger sig med Vidensdeling og interaktion i etnisk mangfoldige
organisationen. Gennem en analyse af begreberne mangfoldighedsledelse og …
organisationen. Gennem en analyse af begreberne mangfoldighedsledelse og …
[PDF][PDF] At fortælle tid
AHB Ebbensgaard - … liv med fortidsrepræsentationer set i et didaktisk …, 2005 - sdunet.dk
” Han fik Brillerne og Høre-Røret, blev så stillet midt i Kartoffelmarken; hun gav ham i
Haanden en stor Kartoffel; det klang i den; der kom en Sang med Ord, Kartoflernes Historie …
Haanden en stor Kartoffel; det klang i den; der kom en Sang med Ord, Kartoflernes Historie …