Constitutive modelling of composite materials under impact loading

J Wiegand - 2009 -
In this thesis a constitutive model is developed for the numerical prediction of UD composite
material behaviour under impact loading. Impact induced loading usually results in three …

An experimental method for dynamic delamination analysis of composite materials by impact bending

J Wiegand, A Hornig, R Gerlach, C Neale… - Mechanics of …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
An improved experimental method for characterizing dynamic delamination growth in
composite structures has been developed and verified using high speed photography and …

Numerical modelling of pseudoelastic behaviour of NiTi porous plates

BS Shariat, Y Liu, G Rio - Journal of Intelligent Material …, 2014 -
This study presents a computational model for deformation behaviour of near-equiatomic
NiTi holey plates using finite element method. Near-equiatomic NiTi alloy deforms via stress …

Experimental investigation of rubber ball impacts on aluminium plates

P Guégan, R Othman, D LeBreton, F Pasco… - International journal …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Aircraft structures should endure tyre debris impacts. Therefore, numerical simulations which
are able to predict such phenomena are highly appreciated for the aircraft structures design …

Cut‐off Frequencies Induced by the Length of Strain Gauges Measuring Impact Events

R Othman - Strain, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The finite length of strain gauges may induce filtering effects when measuring impact events.
In this study, we are interested in quantifying these effects. Precisely, we determined the cut …

A Miniature and Low‐Power‐Consumption Stress Measurement System for Embedded Explosive in Multilayer Target Penetration

Y Hang, F Shang, S Gao, D Kong… - Shock and Vibration, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
When a penetrator penetrates a target, security issues such as detonation and deflagration
sometimes occur in the embedded explosive under an extreme environment with high …

Experimental characterization of a polydicyclopentadiene thermoset, study of protective metal-polymer and polymer-metal two-layer structures

M Robin, M Adlafi, B Galpin, V Grolleau, L Maheo - Materials Letters, 2024 - Elsevier
Multilayer structures are frequently used for military impact protection applications. For low-
velocity impacts, they can be made from a wide variety of materials, including metallic and …

Theoretical, numerical and experimental analysis of polygonal buckling shapes of spherical shells subjected to concentrated load

D Vető, I Sajtos - Journal of the International Association for …, 2017 -
This paper analyses the buckling shapes of spherical shells subjected to concentrated load.
A theoretical investigation, based upon geometric considerations, shows a variety of …

Behaviour of a birch plywood under various experimental conditions

L Caetano, B Galpin, V Grolleau… - EPJ Web of …, 2015 -
Liquid Natural Gaz-LNG-carriers must provide cryogenic reliability and safety for at least 40
years. Most of the insulation systems belong to the so-called membrane type, in which the …

Plane strain tension fracture at high strain rate

M Adlafi, B Galpin, L Mahéo, CC Roth… - EPJ Web of …, 2021 -
Under plane stress conditions, most micromechanical and phenomenological models
predict a minimum in ductility for plane strain tension stress state. Therefore, the stress state …