Material perception
RW Fleming - Annual review of vision science, 2017 - annualreviews.org
Under typical viewing conditions, human observers effortlessly recognize materials and infer
their physical, functional, and multisensory properties at a glance. Without touching …
their physical, functional, and multisensory properties at a glance. Without touching …
Motion perception: From detection to interpretation
Visual motion processing can be conceptually divided into two levels. In the lower level,
local motion signals are detected by spatiotemporal-frequency-selective sensors and then …
local motion signals are detected by spatiotemporal-frequency-selective sensors and then …
Physion++: Evaluating physical scene understanding that requires online inference of different physical properties
General physical scene understanding requires more than simply localizing and recognizing
objects--it requires knowledge that objects can have different latent properties (eg, mass or …
objects--it requires knowledge that objects can have different latent properties (eg, mass or …
Electrotactile feedback improves grip force control and enables object stiffness recognition while using a myoelectric hand
Current myoelectric hands are limited in their ability to provide effective sensory feedback to
the users, which highly affects their functionality and utility. Although the sensory information …
the users, which highly affects their functionality and utility. Although the sensory information …
The look and feel of soft are similar across different softness dimensions
The softness of objects can be perceived through several senses. For instance, to judge the
softness of a cat's fur, we do not only look at it, we often also run our fingers through its coat …
softness of a cat's fur, we do not only look at it, we often also run our fingers through its coat …
Perception of 3D shape integrates intuitive physics and analysis-by-synthesis
Many surface cues support three-dimensional shape perception, but humans can
sometimes still see shape when these features are missing—such as when an object is …
sometimes still see shape when these features are missing—such as when an object is …
Inferring the stiffness of unfamiliar objects from optical, shape, and motion cues
Visually inferring the stiffness of objects is important for many tasks but is challenging
because, unlike optical properties (eg, gloss), mechanical properties do not directly affect …
because, unlike optical properties (eg, gloss), mechanical properties do not directly affect …