Optimization-based stacked machine-learning method for seismic probability and risk assessment of reinforced concrete shear walls
Efficient seismic risk assessment aids decision-makers in formulating citywide risk mitigation
plans, providing insights into building performance and retrofitting costs. The complexity of …
plans, providing insights into building performance and retrofitting costs. The complexity of …
No more black-boxes: estimate deformation capacity of non-ductile RC shear walls based on generalized additive models
Abstract Machine learning techniques have gained attention in earthquake engineering for
their accurate predictions, but their opaque black-box models create ambiguity in the …
their accurate predictions, but their opaque black-box models create ambiguity in the …
Machine learning-based estimation of energy dissipation capacity of RC shear walls
In current practice, the seismic design of reinforced concrete shear walls primarily relies on
the wall shear strength as well as proper reinforcement detailing to ensure sufficient ductility …
the wall shear strength as well as proper reinforcement detailing to ensure sufficient ductility …
Seismic response prediction of composite plate shear walls-concrete filled (C-PSW/CF) using machine learning methods
In the seismic design of composite plate shear walls filled with concrete, referred to as C-
PSW/CF, cyclic backbone curves provide invaluable information for effectively withstanding …
PSW/CF, cyclic backbone curves provide invaluable information for effectively withstanding …
Machine learning-based predictive models for equivalent dam** ratio of RC shear walls
Energy-based seismic design is being rapidly developed and suggests that the seismic
demands are met by the energy dissipation capacity of the structural members. Equivalent …
demands are met by the energy dissipation capacity of the structural members. Equivalent …
[HTML][HTML] Numerical investigation on seismic performance of reinforced rib-double steel plate concrete combination shear wall
L Zhou, X Li, X Li - Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2024 - Elsevier
Double steel plate concrete composite shear wall (SCSW) has been widely utilized in
nuclear power plants and high-rise structures, and its shear connectors have a substantial …
nuclear power plants and high-rise structures, and its shear connectors have a substantial …
Estimate deformation capacity of non-ductile rc shear walls using explainable boosting machine
Machine learning is becoming increasingly prevalent for tackling challenges in earthquake
engineering and providing fairly reliable and accurate predictions. However, it is mostly …
engineering and providing fairly reliable and accurate predictions. However, it is mostly …
Genetic programming-based backbone curve model of reinforced concrete walls
G Ma, Y Wang, HJ Hwang - Engineering Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
Backbone curve, as a nonlinear response analysis method, can be used for performance
assessment of residual resistance and performance prediction during the preliminary design …
assessment of residual resistance and performance prediction during the preliminary design …
A multi-strategy fusion identification model for failure mode of reinforced concrete column
T Gai, D Yu, S Zeng, JCW Lin - ISA transactions, 2024 - Elsevier
Accurate identification of the failure modes of Reinforced Concrete (RC) columns based on
the design parameters of the structural members is critical for earthquake-resistant design …
the design parameters of the structural members is critical for earthquake-resistant design …
Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Network Model for RC Column Backbone Curve Identification
T Gai, D Yu, S Zeng, S Yang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Backbone curves can reflect the force and deformation characteristics of structures under
seismic action and provide a basis for designing structures ready for construction and …
seismic action and provide a basis for designing structures ready for construction and …