Prediction during language comprehension: Benefits, costs, and ERP components

C Van Petten, BJ Luka - International journal of psychophysiology, 2012 - Elsevier
Because context has a robust influence on the processing of subsequent words, the idea
that readers and listeners predict upcoming words has attracted research attention, but …

Neurocircuitry in alcoholism: a substrate of disruption and repair

EV Sullivan, A Pfefferbaum - Psychopharmacology, 2005 - Springer
The chronic, excessive consumption of alcohol results in significant modification of selective
neural systems of the brain structure, physiology, and function. Quantitative MR structural …

Increased MCP-1 and microglia in various regions of the human alcoholic brain

J He, FT Crews - Experimental neurology, 2008 - Elsevier
Cytokines and microglia have been implicated in anxiety, depression, neurodegeneration as
well as the regulation of alcohol drinking and other consumatory behaviors, all of which are …

Cognitive control in alcohol use disorder: deficits and clinical relevance

CE Wilcox, CJ Dekonenko, AR Mayer… - Reviews in the …, 2014 -
Cognitive control refers to the internal representation, maintenance, and updating of context
information in the service of exerting control over thoughts and behavior. Deficits in cognitive …

Lexical versus conceptual anticipation during sentence processing: Frontal positivity and N400 ERP components

DE Thornhill, C Van Petten - International journal of psychophysiology, 2012 - Elsevier
Although the sensitivity of the N400 to semantic processing is well established, late positive
ERP components are also elicited during sentence comprehension. We suggest that there …

Disruption of functional connectivity of the default-mode network in alcoholism

S Chanraud, AL Pitel, A Pfefferbaum… - Cerebral cortex, 2011 -
The default mode network (DMN) comprises brain structures maximally active at rest.
Disturbance of network nodes or their connections occurs with some neuropsychiatric …

Heavy alcohol use, marijuana use, and concomitant use by adolescents are associated with unique and shared cognitive decrements

JL Winward, KL Hanson, SF Tapert… - Journal of the …, 2014 -
To assess recovery of cognitive effects, we investigated neuropsychological performance
after 1 month of monitored abstinence in teens with histories of heavy episodic drinking …

NGF and BDNF alterations by prenatal alcohol exposure

V Carito, M Ceccanti, G Ferraguti… - Current …, 2019 -
Background: It is now widely established that the devastating effects of prenatal alcohol
exposure on the embryo and fetus development cause marked cognitive and …

Understanding alcohol use disorders with neuroelectrophysiology

M Rangaswamy, B Porjesz - Handbook of clinical neurology, 2014 - Elsevier
Neurocognitive deficits associated with impairments in various brain regions and neural
circuitries, particularly involving frontal lobes, have been associated with chronic alcoholism …

Abnormal intrinsic functional hubs in alcohol dependence: evidence from a voxelwise degree centrality analysis

X Luo, L Guo, XJ Dai, Q Wang, W Zhu… - Neuropsychiatric …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Objective To explore the abnormal intrinsic functional hubs in alcohol dependence using
voxelwise degree centrality analysis approach, and their relationships with clinical features …