Evolution of grasses and grassland ecosystems

CAE Strömberg - Annual review of Earth and planetary sciences, 2011 - annualreviews.org
The evolution and subsequent ecological expansion of grasses (Poaceae) since the Late
Cretaceous have resulted in the establishment of one of Earth's dominant biomes, the …

A calibrated mammal scale for the Neogene of Western Europe. State of the art

J Agustı, L Cabrera, M Garcés, W Krijgsman… - Earth-Science …, 2001 - Elsevier
A magnetobiostratigraphically calibrated mammal scale for the Neogene of Western Europe
is presented in this paper. The Mammal Neogene (MN) units originally proposed by Mein …

Phylogeny and biogeography of African Murinae based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences, with a new tribal classification of the subfamily

E Lecompte, K Aplin, C Denys, F Catzeflis… - BMC evolutionary …, 2008 - Springer
Abstract Background Within the subfamily Murinae, African murines represent 25% of
species biodiversity, making this group ideal for detailed studies of the patterns and timing of …

The spread of grass-dominated habitats in Turkey and surrounding areas during the Cenozoic: phytolith evidence

CAE Strömberg, L Werdelin, EM Friis… - Palaeogeography …, 2007 - Elsevier
The arrival of hipparionine horses in the eastern Mediterranean region around 11 Ma was
traditionally thought to mark the simultaneous westward expansion of savanna vegetation …

Updated chronology for the Miocene hominoid radiation in Western Eurasia

I Casanovas-Vilar, DM Alba, M Garcés… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - pnas.org
Extant apes (Primates: Hominoidea) are the relics of a group that was much more diverse in
the past. They originated in Africa around the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, but by the …

Neogene marine transgressions, palaeogeography and biogeographic transitions on the Thai–Malay Peninsula

DS Woodruff - Journal of Biogeography, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Aim The aim of this review is to contribute to our understanding of the origination of the
Sundaic and Indochinese biotas in Southeast Asia. Numerous unsolved problems surround …

Oligocene to Middle Miocene evolution of the central Catalan margin (northwestern Mediterranean)

E Roca, M Sans, L Cabrera, M Marzo - Tectonophysics, 1999 - Elsevier
The Catalan margin belongs to the northern sector of the margin that separates the
extremely thinned continental crust of the Valencia trough from the undeformed or thickened …

Following Pleistocene road signs of human dispersals across Eurasia

O Bar-Yosef, A Belfer-Cohen - Quaternary International, 2013 - Elsevier
The present paper is an endeavor to summarize the evidence for various dispersals of
hominins into Eurasia, while avoiding the commonly held assumptions that these events …

[PDF][PDF] Fossil record of Miocene hominoids

DR Begun - Handbook of paleoanthropology, 2007 - researchgate.net
Hominoids, or taxa identified as hominoids, are known from much of Africa, Asia, and
Europe since the Late Oligocene. The earliest such taxa, from Africa, resemble extant …

Common mammals drive the evolutionary increase of hypsodonty in the Neogene

J Jernvall, M Fortelius - Nature, 2002 - nature.com
During the past 20 million years, herbivorous mammals of numerous lineages have evolved
hypsodont, or high-crowned, cheek teeth. Hypsodonty is informative ecologically because it …