Our bodies, our minds, our men: working South Asian women
E Pio, J Syed - Gender in Management: An International Journal, 2013 - emerald.com
Purpose–This paper is a guest editorial piece in the Special Issue of the Gender in
Management journal on “Gender equality at work in South Asia”. In this paper, the authors …
Management journal on “Gender equality at work in South Asia”. In this paper, the authors …
Glass ceiling for women and work engagement: The moderating effect of marital status
S Sharma, R Kaur - FIIB Business Review, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Women face several obstacles and barriers in order to attain high managerial positions as
compared to men. They struggle to get fair representation in corporate boards and higher …
compared to men. They struggle to get fair representation in corporate boards and higher …
Crushed between two stones: Competing institutional logics in the implementation of maternity leave policies in Pakistan
Maternity leave forms the mainstay of work–life policies aimed towards creating an inclusive
and diverse workplace. While extensive research has examined the impact of maternity …
and diverse workplace. While extensive research has examined the impact of maternity …
Predictors of subjective career success amongst women employees: moderating role of perceived organizational support and marital status
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between subjective career
success (SCS) and proactive career behavior as well as family support, with a focus on …
success (SCS) and proactive career behavior as well as family support, with a focus on …
Walls all around: barriers women professionals face in high-tech careers in Bangladesh
S Saifuddin, L Dyke, MS Hossain - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to create a nuanced understanding of the barriers
women high-tech professionals face in Bangladesh. The main aim is to identify the extent to …
women high-tech professionals face in Bangladesh. The main aim is to identify the extent to …
The relationship between parental attachment and career aspirations in Indian female undergraduate students
The purpose of the present study was to examine the career aspirations of Indian female
undergraduate students, by utilizing a theoretical framework integrating Attachment Theory …
undergraduate students, by utilizing a theoretical framework integrating Attachment Theory …
Theoretical framework of glass ceiling: A case of India's women academic leaders
P Wesarat, J Mathew - Paradigm, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Working women worldwide have faced career difficulties. Examples of this include women
academic leaders in India where negative cultural beliefs about women moving to the top …
academic leaders in India where negative cultural beliefs about women moving to the top …
“Opt-out” or pushed out? Factors influencing married women professionals' decision in leaving the workforce
WL Lim, R Mohd Rasdi - European Journal of Training and …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges faced by married women
professionals in the private sector and the factors affecting their decisions in leaving the …
professionals in the private sector and the factors affecting their decisions in leaving the …
Expatriate paternalistic leadership and gender relations in small European software firms in India
M Salminen-Karlsson - Culture and Organization, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The study examines how European managers deliver paternalistic leadership in two small IT
companies in India, a collectivist, high-power-distance culture where private lives are largely …
companies in India, a collectivist, high-power-distance culture where private lives are largely …
The changing landscape of women's leadership in India and Korea from cultural and generational perspectives
S Chaudhuri, S Park, S Kim - Human Resource …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
This article attempts to (a) identify leadership challenges and opportunities among Korean
and Indian women, and (b) explore how women's leadership differs by generation in India …
and Indian women, and (b) explore how women's leadership differs by generation in India …