Independent rediploidization masks shared whole genome duplication in the sturgeon-paddlefish ancestor
Whole genome duplication (WGD) is a dramatic evolutionary event generating many new
genes and which may play a role in survival through mass extinctions. Paddlefish and …
genes and which may play a role in survival through mass extinctions. Paddlefish and …
Major issues in the origins of ray‐finned fish (A ctinopterygii) biodiversity
Ray‐finned fishes (A ctinopterygii) dominate modern aquatic ecosystems and are
represented by over 32000 extant species. The vast majority of living actinopterygians are …
represented by over 32000 extant species. The vast majority of living actinopterygians are …
The early evolution of ray‐finned fishes
Ray‐finned fishes (A ctinopterygii) constitute approximately half of all living vertebrate
species. A stable hypothesis of relationships among major modern lineages has emerged …
species. A stable hypothesis of relationships among major modern lineages has emerged …
Phylogenetic classification of living and fossil ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii)
Classification of the tremendous diversity of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) began with the
designation of taxonomic groups on the basis of morphological similarity. Starting in the late …
designation of taxonomic groups on the basis of morphological similarity. Starting in the late …
[HTML][HTML] Constraints on the timescale of animal evolutionary history
MJ Benton, PCJ Donoghue, RJ Asher, M Friedman… - 2015 - palaeo-electronica.org
Dating the tree of life is a core endeavor in evolutionary biology. Rates of evolution are
fundamental to nearly every evolutionary model and process. Rates need dates. There is …
fundamental to nearly every evolutionary model and process. Rates need dates. There is …
Phylogenetic interrelationships of ginglymodian fishes (Actinopterygii: Neopterygii)
A López-Arbarello - PLoS One, 2012 - journals.plos.org
The Ginglymodi is one of the most common, though poorly understood groups of
neopterygians, which includes gars, macrosemiiforms, and “semionotiforms.” In particular …
neopterygians, which includes gars, macrosemiiforms, and “semionotiforms.” In particular …
The rise of predation in Jurassic lampreys
Lampreys, one of two living lineages of jawless vertebrates, are always intriguing for their
feeding behavior via the toothed suctorial disc and life cycle comprising the ammocoete …
feeding behavior via the toothed suctorial disc and life cycle comprising the ammocoete …
Skeletal anatomy of the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum Lesueur, 1818, and the systematics of sturgeons (Acipenseriformes, Acipenseridae)
Sturgeons of the family Acipenseridae comprise 25 extant species, making it the most
species-rich extant family of basal (ie, nonteleostean) actinopterygians. Because of their …
species-rich extant family of basal (ie, nonteleostean) actinopterygians. Because of their …
Early Cretaceous polar biotas of Victoria, southeastern Australia—an overview of research to date
Poropat, SF, Martin, SK, Tosolini, A.-MP, Wagstaff, BE, Bean, LB, Kear, BP, Vickers-Rich, P.
& Rich, TH, May 2018. Early Cretaceous polar biotas of Victoria, southeastern Australia—an …
& Rich, TH, May 2018. Early Cretaceous polar biotas of Victoria, southeastern Australia—an …
Neopterygian phylogeny: the merger assay
A López-Arbarello, E Sferco - Royal Society open …, 2018 - royalsocietypublishing.org
The phylogenetic relationships of the recently described genus† Ticinolepis from the Middle
Triassic of the Monte San Giorgio are explored through cladistic analyses of the so far …
Triassic of the Monte San Giorgio are explored through cladistic analyses of the so far …