Levels of reading comprehension in higher education: systematic review and meta-analysis
Higher education aims for university students to produce knowledge from the critical
reflection of scientific texts. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a deep mental …
reflection of scientific texts. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a deep mental …
The Use of Photo Comics Media: Changing Reading Interest and Learning Outcomes in Elementary Social Studies Subjects.
Reading is useful for gaining understanding, knowledge, and information. This study aimed
to determine the effect of using photo comics media on reading interest and learning …
to determine the effect of using photo comics media on reading interest and learning …
Reading plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of education; nevertheless, the issue of
low interest in reading necessitates immediate attention. In the Indonesian context, reading …
low interest in reading necessitates immediate attention. In the Indonesian context, reading …
Eye-tracking contribution on processing of (implicit) reading comprehension
C de-la-Peña - Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 2024 - Springer
Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill to be developed from the early stages of
reading acquisition and it is essential for both formative and personal learning. This study …
reading acquisition and it is essential for both formative and personal learning. This study …
Bridging the printed or digital controversy: A meta-analysis of the impact of digital and print resources on college students' reading comprehension
Recent studies have shown contradictory results on the influence of digital technology on
the level of reading comprehension performance in college students. This paper examines …
the level of reading comprehension performance in college students. This paper examines …
[PDF][PDF] The Role of Leadership on Job Satisfaction
R Dewi - SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business, 2023 - repository.umi.ac.id
The purpose of this study is to look at the impact of leadership on employee work satisfaction
at PT Golden Hill Luwuk Banggai. The sampling method is nonprobability sampling. The …
at PT Golden Hill Luwuk Banggai. The sampling method is nonprobability sampling. The …
The Effect of Reading Interest on Reading Coprehension of Grade XII High School Students of SMA Negeri 1 Brandan Barat
AN Pasaribu - Jurnal Ilmiah Aquinas, 2022 - ejournal.ust.ac.id
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Ketertarikan Membaca
Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Brandan Barat. Penelitian …
Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Brandan Barat. Penelitian …
Programa alternativo para la mejora de la comprensión lectora en escolares peruanos
LNC Alvarado - PsiqueMag, 2021 - revistas.ucv.edu.pe
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que pone a prueba un Programa
alternativo para la mejora la comprensión lectora, se tuvo como lineamientos la instrucción …
alternativo para la mejora la comprensión lectora, se tuvo como lineamientos la instrucción …
Analysis of Prospective mathematics teachers' reading interest through e-book for geometry systems course in new normal era
In 2045, Indonesia will acquire a demographic bonus that will give rise to a golden
generation, which needs to be supported by the adequate quality of education. One of the …
generation, which needs to be supported by the adequate quality of education. One of the …
Needs Analysis of Comic as Science Teaching Material for Junior High School Students
Low students' interest in reading has an impact on their low knowledge. Teaching materials
need to be presented in an interesting way to attract students' interest in reading. The aim of …
need to be presented in an interesting way to attract students' interest in reading. The aim of …