[HTML][HTML] Forecasting the time of failure of landslides at slope-scale: A literature review
Forecasting the time of failure of landslides at slope-scale is a difficult yet important task that
can mitigate the effects of slope failures in terms of both human lives and economic losses …
can mitigate the effects of slope failures in terms of both human lives and economic losses …
Machine learning for landslides prevention: a survey
Landslides are one of the most critical categories of natural disasters worldwide and induce
severely destructive outcomes to human life and the overall economic system. To reduce its …
severely destructive outcomes to human life and the overall economic system. To reduce its …
Landslide displacement forecasting using deep learning and monitoring data across selected sites
Accurate early warning systems for landslides are a reliable risk-reduction strategy that may
significantly reduce fatalities and economic losses. Several machine learning methods have …
significantly reduce fatalities and economic losses. Several machine learning methods have …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive comparison among metaheuristics (MHs) for geohazard modeling using machine learning: Insights from a case study of landslide …
Abstract Machine learning (ML) has been extensively applied to model geohazards, yielding
tremendous success. However, researchers and practitioners still face challenges in …
tremendous success. However, researchers and practitioners still face challenges in …
Metaheuristic-based support vector regression for landslide displacement prediction: A comparative study
Recently, integrated machine learning (ML) metaheuristic algorithms, such as the artificial
bee colony (ABC) algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA), gray wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm …
bee colony (ABC) algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA), gray wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm …
Time series analysis and long short-term memory neural network to predict landslide displacement
A good prediction of landslide displacement is an essential component for implementing an
early warning system. In the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA), many landslides deform …
early warning system. In the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA), many landslides deform …
Pathways and challenges of the application of artificial intelligence to geohazards modelling
The application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in geohazard modelling
has been rapidly growing in recent years, a trend that is observed in several research and …
has been rapidly growing in recent years, a trend that is observed in several research and …
Application of time series analysis and PSO–SVM model in predicting the Bazimen landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
The landslide displacement in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China, experiences step-like
deformation that is influenced by rainfall and the periodic scheduling of the reservoir. In view …
deformation that is influenced by rainfall and the periodic scheduling of the reservoir. In view …
Prediction of landslide displacement with step-like behavior based on multialgorithm optimization and a support vector regression model
F Miao, Y Wu, Y **e, Y Li - Landslides, 2018 - Springer
Landslide prediction is important for mitigating geohazards but is very challenging. In
landslide evolution, displacement depends on the local geological conditions and variations …
landslide evolution, displacement depends on the local geological conditions and variations …
Landslide displacement prediction based on multivariate chaotic model and extreme learning machine
This paper proposes a multivariate chaotic Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) model for the
prediction of the displacement of reservoir landslides. The displacement time series of the …
prediction of the displacement of reservoir landslides. The displacement time series of the …