Recent advances in evolutionary and bio-inspired adaptive robotics: Exploiting embodied dynamics
This paper explores current developments in evolutionary and bio-inspired approaches to
autonomous robotics, concentrating on research from our group at the University of Sussex …
autonomous robotics, concentrating on research from our group at the University of Sussex …
Exploring the cognitive and motor functions of the basal ganglia: an integrative review of computational cognitive neuroscience models
Many computational models of the basal ganglia (BG) have been proposed over the past
twenty-five years. While computational neuroscience models have focused on closely …
twenty-five years. While computational neuroscience models have focused on closely …
The contribution of the basal ganglia and cerebellum to motor learning: A neuro-computational approach
Motor learning involves a widespread brain network including the basal ganglia,
cerebellum, motor cortex, and brainstem. Despite its importance, little is known about how …
cerebellum, motor cortex, and brainstem. Despite its importance, little is known about how …
A spiking Basal Ganglia model of synchrony, exploration and decision making
To make an optimal decision we need to weigh all the available options, compare them with
the current goal, and choose the most rewarding one. Depending on the situation an optimal …
the current goal, and choose the most rewarding one. Depending on the situation an optimal …
Perspective on investigation of neurodegenerative diseases with neurorobotics approaches
Neurorobotics has emerged from the alliance between neuroscience and robotics. It
pursues the investigation of reproducing living organism-like behaviors in robots by means …
pursues the investigation of reproducing living organism-like behaviors in robots by means …
Management of upper extremity dysfunction in people with Parkinson disease and Huntington disease: facilitating outcomes across the disease lifespan
Parkinson Disease (PD) and Huntington Disease (HD) are degenerative neurological
diseases, which can result in impairments and activity limitations affecting the upper …
diseases, which can result in impairments and activity limitations affecting the upper …
A network model of basal ganglia for understanding the roles of dopamine and serotonin in reward-punishment-risk based decision making
There is significant evidence that in addition to reward-punishment based decision making,
the Basal Ganglia (BG) contributes to risk-based decision making (Balasubramani et al.,) …
the Basal Ganglia (BG) contributes to risk-based decision making (Balasubramani et al.,) …
Basal ganglia system as an engine for exploration
The balanced state of neurons is characterized by a high value of the total membrane
conductance caused by synaptic inputs. It is the state of cortical neurons in vivo in awake …
conductance caused by synaptic inputs. It is the state of cortical neurons in vivo in awake …
Closed-loop control of tremor-predominant parkinsonian state based on parameter estimation
A significant feature of Parkinson's disease (PD) is the inability of the thalamus to respond
faithfully to sensorimotor information from the cerebral cortex. This may be the result of …
faithfully to sensorimotor information from the cerebral cortex. This may be the result of …
A Basal Ganglia model for understanding working memory functions in healthy and Parkinson's conditions
Working memory (WM) is considered as the scratchpad for reading, writing, and processing
information necessary to perform cognitive tasks. The Basal Ganglia (BG) and Prefrontal …
information necessary to perform cognitive tasks. The Basal Ganglia (BG) and Prefrontal …