Fundamentals and applications of metasurfaces
Metasurfaces have become a rapidly growing field of research in recent years due to their
exceptional abilities in light manipulation and versatility in ultrathin optical applications. They …
exceptional abilities in light manipulation and versatility in ultrathin optical applications. They …
A review of gap-surface plasmon metasurfaces: fundamentals and applications
Plasmonic metasurfaces, which can be considered as the two-dimensional analog of metal-
based metamaterials, have attracted progressively increasing attention in recent years …
based metamaterials, have attracted progressively increasing attention in recent years …
Advances in optical metasurfaces: fabrication and applications
The research and development of optical metasurfaces has been primarily driven by the
curiosity for novel optical phenomena that are unattainable from materials that exist in nature …
curiosity for novel optical phenomena that are unattainable from materials that exist in nature …
Advances in full control of electromagnetic waves with metasurfaces
Metasurfaces, two‐dimensional versions of metamaterials, retain the great capabilities of
three‐dimensional counterparts in manipulating electromagnetic wave behaviors, while …
three‐dimensional counterparts in manipulating electromagnetic wave behaviors, while …
Visible-frequency metasurfaces for broadband anomalous reflection and high-efficiency spectrum splitting
Ultrathin metasurfaces have recently emerged as promising materials that have huge
potential to enable novel, flat optical components, and surface-confined, miniature photonic …
potential to enable novel, flat optical components, and surface-confined, miniature photonic …
Phase manipulation of electromagnetic waves with metasurfaces and its applications in nanophotonics
Relative to conventional phase‐modulation optical elements, metasurfaces (ie, 2D versions
of metamaterials) have shown novel optical phenomena and promising functionalities with …
of metamaterials) have shown novel optical phenomena and promising functionalities with …
Broadband spin Hall effect of light in single nanoapertures
With properties not previously available, optical metamaterials and metasurfaces have
shown their great potential in the precise control of light waves at the nanoscale. However …
shown their great potential in the precise control of light waves at the nanoscale. However …
Traditional and emerging materials for optical metasurfaces
One of the most promising and vibrant research areas in nanotechnology has been the field
of metasurfaces. These are two dimensional representations of metaatoms, or artificial …
of metasurfaces. These are two dimensional representations of metaatoms, or artificial …
Metasurfaces‐based absorption and reflection control: perfect absorbers and reflectors
In the past decade, the realisation of negative index materials has initiated extensive
research into metamaterials. Perfect absorbers and reflectors are of particular interest as …
research into metamaterials. Perfect absorbers and reflectors are of particular interest as …
A facile grating approach towards broadband, wide-angle and high-efficiency holographic metasurfaces
We analytically show that an incident light can be almost completely diffracted into the− 1st
order in wide-angle and broadband by suitably designed thin metallic nano-gratings with …
order in wide-angle and broadband by suitably designed thin metallic nano-gratings with …