Diffusion of blockchain technology: Insights from academic literature and social media analytics
Purpose Although blockchain is often discussed, its actual diffusion seems to be varying for
different industries. The purpose of this paper is to explore the blockchain technology …
different industries. The purpose of this paper is to explore the blockchain technology …
The role of information technology in the organization: a review, model, and assessment
T Dewett, GR Jones - Journal of management, 2001 - Elsevier
This paper reviews and extends recent scholarly and popular literature to provide a broad
overview of how information technology (IT) impacts organizational characteristics and …
overview of how information technology (IT) impacts organizational characteristics and …
Videoconference fatigue? Exploring changes in fatigue after videoconference meetings during COVID-19.
In response to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global health pandemic, many
employees transitioned to remote work, which included remote meetings. With this sudden …
employees transitioned to remote work, which included remote meetings. With this sudden …
The influence of transformational leadership and leader attitudes on subordinate attitudes and implementation success
Recent literature has focused on identifying factors that facilitate or impede the
implementation of innovation in organizations. Attitudes toward change and transformational …
implementation of innovation in organizations. Attitudes toward change and transformational …
Toward meaningful engagement
Gamification, an emerging idea for using game design elements and principles to make
everyday tasks more engaging, is permeating many different types of information systems …
everyday tasks more engaging, is permeating many different types of information systems …
The effects of trust and platform innovation characteristics on consumer behaviors in social commerce: A social influence perspective
L Zhao, Y Xu, X Xu - Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2023 - Elsevier
Social commerce is a relatively new e-commerce model that has the potential to drive
consumption growth and promote flexible social employment. However, despite its potential …
consumption growth and promote flexible social employment. However, despite its potential …
A theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model: Four longitudinal field studies
The present research develops and tests a theoretical extension of the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) that explains perceived usefulness and usage intentions in terms …
Acceptance Model (TAM) that explains perceived usefulness and usage intentions in terms …
Social networks and the diffusion of user-generated content: Evidence from YouTube
This paper is motivated by the success of YouTube, which is attractive to content creators as
well as corporations for its potential to rapidly disseminate digital content. The networked …
well as corporations for its potential to rapidly disseminate digital content. The networked …
The social side of gaming: How playing online computer games creates online and offline social support
Online gaming has gained millions of users around the globe, which have been shown to
virtually connect, to befriend, and to accumulate online social capital. Today, as online …
virtually connect, to befriend, and to accumulate online social capital. Today, as online …
What's under construction here? Social action, materiality, and power in constructivist studies of technology and organizing
Over the past two decades, organizational scholars have increasingly argued that
technology's affects on organizations are socially constructed. Constructivists who study …
technology's affects on organizations are socially constructed. Constructivists who study …