Pengaruh upah dan pengalaman kerja terhadap produktivitas karyawan kera**an ukiran Kabupaten Subang
Background of this research was the low productivity of the employees of wood-carving in
Subang district. This study therefore aimed to determine the effect of work experience and …
Subang district. This study therefore aimed to determine the effect of work experience and …
Implementation of effective knowledge management practices for improving productivity of Nigerian construction SMEs
Construction SMEs dominate the construction sector of a nation and they immensely
contribute to employment and innovation. However, they suffer from decline in productivity …
contribute to employment and innovation. However, they suffer from decline in productivity …
[PDF][PDF] Professionals' preference for migrant craftsmen in Lagos State
It is difficult to fathom the words' skilled labour shortage'in a country of over 160 million, but
the challenge of shortage of trained skilled construction labour is glaring in the industry. The …
the challenge of shortage of trained skilled construction labour is glaring in the industry. The …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of supervision on labour productivity on construction sites in Abuja-Nigeria
Research efforts have been directed toward the improvement of construction labour
productivity over the years, and as a result of its significance to the national economies, the …
productivity over the years, and as a result of its significance to the national economies, the …
[PDF][PDF] Faktor-faktor produksi yang mempengaruhi pendapatan pengera** pada industri kera**an kulit di Kabupaten Badung
Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) untuk menganalisis pengaruh tenaga kerja, modal, teknologi dan
ketersediaan bahan baku terhadap jumlah produksi, 2) menganalisis pengaruh tenaga …
ketersediaan bahan baku terhadap jumlah produksi, 2) menganalisis pengaruh tenaga …
Effects of skills, motivation, and personality traits on the competency of masons
Incompetency of masons is a problem because they execute many construction activities.
This imparts the need to identify factors that affect the competency of masons on construction …
This imparts the need to identify factors that affect the competency of masons on construction …
Pengaruh pengalaman kerja terhadap produktivitas pengra** untuk menunjang pendapatan pengra** ukiran kayu
S Muliani, N Made, AAA Suresmiathi - E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan …, 2016 - neliti.com
Gianyar adalah salah satu kabupaten di Bali yang mempertahankan seni olahan ukiran
kayu untuk menghasilkan cenderamata yang diminati oleh wisatawan. Untuk …
kayu untuk menghasilkan cenderamata yang diminati oleh wisatawan. Untuk …
[PDF][PDF] Impact of Training on Employee's Performance and Productivity in Construction Industry
B Neyestani - 2014 - escholarship.org
Construction is the world's largest and most challenging industry. Human resource today
has a strategic role for productivity increase of any organization, and this makes it superior in …
has a strategic role for productivity increase of any organization, and this makes it superior in …
[PDF][PDF] Skill of Skidding Equipment Operator in Relation to Productivity, Skidding Cost and Subsidence in Peat Swamp Forest Plantation
Skidding in peat swamp plantation forest requires high skill and alertness, particularly in
relation to peat damage, which includes subsidence as such a damage. The objective of this …
relation to peat damage, which includes subsidence as such a damage. The objective of this …
[PDF][PDF] Human resource development in construction industry
B Neyestani - 2014 - escholarship.org
Human Resource Development (HRD) is the domain that performs core function in an
organization for the advancement of personal and professional skills, knowledge and …
organization for the advancement of personal and professional skills, knowledge and …