Pengaruh upah dan pengalaman kerja terhadap produktivitas karyawan kera**an ukiran Kabupaten Subang

A Sulaeman - Trikonomika, 2014‏ -
Background of this research was the low productivity of the employees of wood-carving in
Subang district. This study therefore aimed to determine the effect of work experience and …

Implementation of effective knowledge management practices for improving productivity of Nigerian construction SMEs

EI Samuel, OC Justina - Journal of management research, 2023‏ -
Construction SMEs dominate the construction sector of a nation and they immensely
contribute to employment and innovation. However, they suffer from decline in productivity …

[PDF][PDF] Professionals' preference for migrant craftsmen in Lagos State

A Afolabi, I Emeghe, O Oyeyipo… - Mediterranean Journal of …, 2016‏ -
It is difficult to fathom the words' skilled labour shortage'in a country of over 160 million, but
the challenge of shortage of trained skilled construction labour is glaring in the industry. The …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of supervision on labour productivity on construction sites in Abuja-Nigeria

R Jimoh, L Oyewobi, S Suleiman, R Isa - Independent journal of …, 2017‏ -
Research efforts have been directed toward the improvement of construction labour
productivity over the years, and as a result of its significance to the national economies, the …

[PDF][PDF] Faktor-faktor produksi yang mempengaruhi pendapatan pengera** pada industri kera**an kulit di Kabupaten Badung

I Dangin, A Marhaeni - E-Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas …, 2019‏ -
Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) untuk menganalisis pengaruh tenaga kerja, modal, teknologi dan
ketersediaan bahan baku terhadap jumlah produksi, 2) menganalisis pengaruh tenaga …

Effects of skills, motivation, and personality traits on the competency of masons

RM Choudhry, B Zafar - International Journal of Sustainable …, 2017‏ -
Incompetency of masons is a problem because they execute many construction activities.
This imparts the need to identify factors that affect the competency of masons on construction …

Pengaruh pengalaman kerja terhadap produktivitas pengra** untuk menunjang pendapatan pengra** ukiran kayu

S Muliani, N Made, AAA Suresmiathi - E-Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan …, 2016‏ -
Gianyar adalah salah satu kabupaten di Bali yang mempertahankan seni olahan ukiran
kayu untuk menghasilkan cenderamata yang diminati oleh wisatawan. Untuk …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of Training on Employee's Performance and Productivity in Construction Industry

B Neyestani - 2014‏ -
Construction is the world's largest and most challenging industry. Human resource today
has a strategic role for productivity increase of any organization, and this makes it superior in …

[PDF][PDF] Skill of Skidding Equipment Operator in Relation to Productivity, Skidding Cost and Subsidence in Peat Swamp Forest Plantation

S Suhartana, Y Yuniawati - … Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for …, 2023‏ -
Skidding in peat swamp plantation forest requires high skill and alertness, particularly in
relation to peat damage, which includes subsidence as such a damage. The objective of this …

[PDF][PDF] Human resource development in construction industry

B Neyestani - 2014‏ -
Human Resource Development (HRD) is the domain that performs core function in an
organization for the advancement of personal and professional skills, knowledge and …