[HTML][HTML] Trichinella spiralis as a potential antitumor agent: An update

S Sadr, Z Yousefsani, PA Simab… - World's Veterinary …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Due to the limited success of therapeutic strategies in treating tumors, a new practical potent
approach is needed. This review aimed to investigate previous literature related to tumors …

CRISPR-Based Activation of Endogenous Expression of TPM1 Inhibits Inflammatory Response of Primary Human Coronary Artery Endothelial and Smooth Muscle …

M Gagat, W Zielińska, K Mikołajczyk… - Frontiers in Cell and …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) is one of the most important proinflammatory cytokines,
which affects many processes associated with the growth and characteristics of endothelial …

The Actin Cytoskeleton as a Regulator of Proteoglycan 4

S Gonzalez-Nolde, CJ Schweiger, EER Davis… - Cartilage, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Objective The superficial zone (SZ) of articular cartilage is responsible for distributing shear
forces for optimal cartilage loading and contributes to joint lubrication through the production …

Molecular integration of the anti-tropomyosin compound ATM-3507 into the coiled coil overlap region of the cancer-associated Tpm3. 1

M Janco, MJ Rynkiewicz, L Li, J Hook, E Eiffe… - Scientific reports, 2019 - nature.com
Tropomyosins (Tpm) determine the functional capacity of actin filaments in an isoform-
specific manner. The primary isoform in cancer cells is Tpm3. 1 and compounds that target …

Cancer Cells in all EMT States Lack Rigidity Sensing Depletion of Different Tumor Suppressors Causes Loss of Rigidity Sensing in Cancer Cells

C Simpson, V Sundararajan, TZ Tan, R Huang… - bioRxiv, 2022 - biorxiv.org
Cancer cells have many different behaviors from epithelial to mesenchymal forms. We report
here that 36 distinct tumor cell lines regardless of EMT form or other features lack the ability …

Urine Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer Diagnosis and Screening

R Bryan, D Ward - Biology of Bladder Cancer: From Molecular Insights to …, 2025 - Springer
Flexible cystoscopy is the mainstay of bladder cancer detection but is an imperfect test which
is resource-intensive and invasive for patients. A focus of bladder cancer research has been …

Growth factor modulation of TGF-beta (TGF-β)-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the eye lens

M Flokis - 2024 - ses.library.usyd.edu.au
The eye lens is a transparent organ dependent on growth factors within the ocular media (eg
FGF) to regulate its normal functionality. During stress &/or inflammation, activation of …

Special Issue on Molecular Research Efforts in Urothelial Carcinoma: Summary of Included Topics

GC Hutterer - International journal of molecular sciences, 2019 - mdpi.com
This Special Issue of International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) covers one of the
most intriguing and emerging fields in terms of molecular oncology and uro-oncologic …

Cancer Diagnosis and Screening

R Bryan, D Ward - Biology of Bladder Cancer: From Molecular Insights … - books.google.com
Flexible cystoscopy is the mainstay of bladder cancer detection but is an imperfect test which
is resource-intensive and invasive for patients. A focus of bladder cancer research has been …

The role of clinical metabolomics in the diagnosis of bladder cancer

SA Zamyatnin, AV Malushko… - Urology reports (St …, 2022 - journals.eco-vector.com
BACKGROUND: Bladder cancer is a widespread disease characterized by high cancer-
specific mortality and high cost of treatment. The search for available and reliable biological …