Analysis of unconventional chiral fermions in a noncentrosymmetric chiral crystal PtAl
Symmetry protected nontrivial states in chiral topological materials hold immense potential
for fundamental science and technological advances. Here, we report electrical transport …
for fundamental science and technological advances. Here, we report electrical transport …
Anisotropic giant magnetoresistance and Fermi surface topology in the layered compound
Magnetoresistance in novel materials has been attracting ever-increasing attention since its
mechanism is still the subject of intense debate and the physics behind these emergent …
mechanism is still the subject of intense debate and the physics behind these emergent …
Linear unsaturated magnetoresistance in YSi single crystal
Linear magnetoresistance is a phenomenon observed in a few topological compounds
originating from both classical and quantum phenomena. Here, we performed electrical …
originating from both classical and quantum phenomena. Here, we performed electrical …