The Fanconi anemia pathway in cancer
Fanconi anemia (FA) is a complex genetic disorder characterized by bone marrow failure
(BMF), congenital defects, inability to repair DNA interstrand cross-links (ICLs), and cancer …
(BMF), congenital defects, inability to repair DNA interstrand cross-links (ICLs), and cancer …
Aplastic anemia
NS Young - New England Journal of Medicine, 2018 - Mass Medical Soc
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Exit from dormancy provokes DNA-damage-induced attrition in haematopoietic stem cells
D Walter, A Lier, A Geiselhart, FB Thalheimer… - Nature, 2015 - nature.com
Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are responsible for the lifelong production of blood cells.
The accumulation of DNA damage in HSCs is a hallmark of ageing and is probably a major …
The accumulation of DNA damage in HSCs is a hallmark of ageing and is probably a major …
Alcohol and endogenous aldehydes damage chromosomes and mutate stem cells
Haematopoietic stem cells renew blood. Accumulation of DNA damage in these cells
promotes their decline, while misrepair of this damage initiates malignancies. Here we …
promotes their decline, while misrepair of this damage initiates malignancies. Here we …
Fanconi anemia proteins function in mitophagy and immunity
Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway genes are important tumor suppressors whose best-
characterized function is repair of damaged nuclear DNA. Here, we describe an essential …
characterized function is repair of damaged nuclear DNA. Here, we describe an essential …
Biallelic Mutations in BRCA1 Cause a New Fanconi Anemia Subtype
Deficiency in BRCA-dependent DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair is intimately
connected to breast cancer susceptibility and to the rare developmental syndrome Fanconi …
connected to breast cancer susceptibility and to the rare developmental syndrome Fanconi …
Alcohol-derived DNA crosslinks are repaired by two distinct mechanisms
Acetaldehyde is a highly reactive, DNA-damaging metabolite that is produced upon alcohol
consumption. Impaired detoxification of acetaldehyde is common in the Asian population …
consumption. Impaired detoxification of acetaldehyde is common in the Asian population …
BOD1L is required to suppress deleterious resection of stressed replication forks
Recognition and repair of damaged replication forks are essential to maintain genome
stability and are coordinated by the combined action of the Fanconi anemia and …
stability and are coordinated by the combined action of the Fanconi anemia and …
Activity-based sensing methods for monitoring the reactive carbon species carbon monoxide and formaldehyde in living systems
Conspectus Carbon is central to the chemistry of life, and in addition to its fundamental roles
as a static component of all major biomolecules spanning proteins, nucleic acids, sugars …
as a static component of all major biomolecules spanning proteins, nucleic acids, sugars …
[HTML][HTML] Chromosome instability in Fanconi anemia: from breaks to phenotypic consequences
Fanconi anemia (FA), a chromosomal instability syndrome, is caused by inherited
pathogenic variants in any of 22 FANC genes, which cooperate in the FA/BRCA pathway …
pathogenic variants in any of 22 FANC genes, which cooperate in the FA/BRCA pathway …