A systematic literature review on enhancing the success of independent curriculum through brain-based learning innovation implementation

DFK Dwiputra, W Azzahra… - Indonesian Journal on …, 2023 - journals.ums.ac.id
Brain-based Learning has been recognized for its potential to foster creative and innovative
pedagogical approaches. Despite this, the relevance and potential impact of this model with …

STEM education implementation in Indonesia: a sco** review

R Farwati, K Metafisika, I Sari… - … Journal of STEM …, 2021 - journal.gmpionline.com
In Indonesia, STEM education has been implemented in the learning process since 2014.
The number of researches on the implementation of STEM education are increasing from …

Human resource 'Kurikulum Merdeka'from design to implementation in the school: What worked and what not in Indonesian education

Y Pratikno, E Hermawan… - Jurnal Iqra' …, 2022 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
This articles aims to gain an in-depth knowledge of the human resources of “Kurikulum
Merdeka Belajar” design to the implementation capability in the classroom, especially what …

Impact of lockdown on learning status of undergraduate and postgraduate students during COVID-19 pandemic in West Bengal, India

N Kapasia, P Paul, A Roy, J Saha, A Zaveri… - Children and youth …, 2020 - Elsevier
To assess the impact of lockdown amidst COVID-19 on undergraduate and postgraduate
learners of various colleges and universities of West Bengal. An online survey was …

Mewujudkan kemandirian belajar: Merdeka belajar sebagai kunci sukses mahasiswa jarak jauh

H Hariyadi, M Misnawati… - BADAN PENERBIT …, 2023 - badanpenerbit.stiepari.org
Pendidikan adalah hak semua orang tanpa terkecuali. Saat ini, dengan semakin
berkembangnya teknologi informasi, pendidikan jarak jauh semakin diminati dan diakui …

Perceived usability evaluation of Microsoft Teams as an online learning platform during COVID-19 using system usability scale and technology acceptance model in …

D Pal, V Vanijja - Children and youth services review, 2020 - Elsevier
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a physical shutdown of all types of educational
institutes worldwide due to which the education delivery has now shifted to an “online only” …

Distance education as a response to pandemics: Coronavirus and Arab culture

AE Al Lily, AF Ismail, FM Abunasser… - Technology in society, 2020 - Elsevier
Some countries have replaced face-to-face education with distance education in response
to the coronavirus. This form of distance education differs from conventional distance …

Distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: School closure in Indonesia

B Azhari, I Fajri - … Journal of Mathematical Education in Science …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study investigates the distance learning process of teachers during school closure due
to COVID-19's impact. This research focuses on the introduction of distance learning, the …

[PDF][PDF] A literature review of E-learning and E-teaching in the era of Covid-19 pandemic

Z Mseleku - 2020 - academia.edu
The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic undoubtedly resulted in devastating socio-economic
challenges across the world. In attempt to manage the contagion, many countries have …

[PDF][PDF] Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran daring pada masa pandemi covid-19

S Ningsih - JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi Dan Teknologi Pembelajaran) …, 2020 - core.ac.uk
Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah tatanan hidup masyarakat termasuk pada bidang
pendidikan. Untuk menghindari bertambahnya kasus, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan …