Eight decades of invasion by Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) and its biological control in West Africa: the story so far

PO Aigbedion-Atalor, M Adom, MD Day… - Biocontrol Science …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Chromolaena odorata (L.) RM King and H. Robinson (Asteraceae) is a
perennial weedy shrub of neotropical origin and a serious biotic threat in its invasive range …

Biological control of three Eupatorieae weeds in South Africa: 2011–2020

C Zachariades, L Van Der Westhuizen… - African …, 2021 - journals.co.za
Several weed species within the asteraceous tribe Eupatorieae, all with a neotropical origin,
are invasive in South Africa. Three of these form the subject of this review paper …

A facile one-pot synthesis of phyto-conjugate superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles for the rapid removal of hexavalent chromium from water bodies

J Garvasis, AR Prasad, KO Shamsheera… - Materials Research …, 2023 - Elsevier
Sustainable and economical strategies for producing efficacious adsorbent systems for the
rapid removal of hazardous Cr (VI) have recently gained research attention. This study …

[HTML][HTML] Weed to nano seeds: Ultrasonic assisted one-pot fabrication of superparamagnetic magnetite nano adsorbents from Siam weed flower extract for the removal …

J Garvasis, AR Prasad, KO Shamsheera… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2022 - Elsevier
A novel phyto-conjugated magnetite nanoadsorbent with appreciable adsorption capacity,
minimal ionic interference, and economic reusability for the selective removal of Pb (II) in …

Weed or not a weed? Density, perceptions and management of Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) in West Africa: Voices from Ghana

PO Aigbedion‐Atalor - Weed Research, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The status (weed or beneficial shrub) of Chromolaena odorata in West Africa has been a
major subject of debate since its introduction in the 1930s. Its negative impacts on …

Impact of the gall-inducing fly Polymorphomyia basilica Snow (Diptera: Tephritidae) on the growth and reproduction of Chromolaena odorata (L.) RM King & H. Rob …

T Mahlobo, N Dube, C Zachariades… - Arthropod-Plant …, 2023 - Springer
Gall-inducing insects are a classic example of how insects can impact the morphology and
physiology of their host plants by forming galls which act as nutrient sinks. An 8-months …

Post-release evaluation of a combination of biocontrol agents on Crofton weed: testing extrapolation of greenhouse results to field conditions

L Buccellato, MJ Byrne, JT Fisher, ETF Witkowski - BioControl, 2019 - Springer
Two biocontrol agents, a leaf-spot pathogen, Passalora ageratinae, and a stem gall fly,
Procecidochares utilis, have been released against Crofton weed, Ageratina adenophora …

Host plant water deficit stress impairs reproduction and development of the galling fly (Parafreutreta regalis), a biological control agent of Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata)

SL Portman, KE Santa Cruz, PJ Moran - Biological Control, 2021 - Elsevier
Drought leading to water deficit stress is known to reduce performance of galling insects.
The shoot tip-galling fly Parafreutreta regalis has been released for biological control of …

[HTML][HTML] Map** actual distribution of invasive species siam weed and its abundance across biogeographical zones in Benin (West Africa)

J Dandjlessa, B Ezin, N Zossou… - Advances in Weed …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Background Invasive weeds pose a serious threat to agricultural systems worldwide and the
management of such species requires information on their distribution. Objective This …

[HTML][HTML] Insect Communities Associated with Siam Weed: Evaluation after Three Decades of Cecidochares connexa Release as Biocontrol Agent

D Buchori, A Rizali, L Lukvitasari, H Triwidodo - Diversity, 2020 - mdpi.com
Chromolaena odorata is well known as an invasive weed, and its existence in agricultural
habitats causes an undesirable effect on crop plants. The invasion of C. odorata alters local …