AVA: Adjective-verb-adverb combinations for sentiment analysis
VS Subrahmanian, D Reforgiato - IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Most research on determining the strength of subjective expressions in a sentence or
document uses single, specific parts of speech such as adjectives, adverbs, or verbs. To …
document uses single, specific parts of speech such as adjectives, adverbs, or verbs. To …
A clustering-based approach on sentiment analysis
G Li, F Liu - 2010 IEEE international conference on intelligent …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper introduces the clustering-based sentiment analysis approach which is a new
approach to sentiment analysis. By applying a TF-IDF weighting method, voting mechanism …
approach to sentiment analysis. By applying a TF-IDF weighting method, voting mechanism …
[PDF][PDF] Building a libyan dialect lexicon-based sentiment analysis system using semantic orientation of adjective-adverb combinations
HA Alhammi, K Haddar - International Journal of Computer Theory …, 2020 - academia.edu
Twitter is a social media network website, where its users can post their opinions and
sentiments about issues, objects, services, places or people in short text messages called …
sentiments about issues, objects, services, places or people in short text messages called …
Exploiting grammatical dependencies for fine-grained opinion mining
In any sentence, words are arranged in a proper sequence to communicate information. The
complete meaning of a sentence is not only determined by the meaning of words, but also …
complete meaning of a sentence is not only determined by the meaning of words, but also …
[BOK][B] Sentiment analysis for PTSD signals
V Kagan, E Rossini, D Sapounas - 2013 - Springer
2 violence, suicide). Within 3 months of experiencing a traumatic event, individuals may
begin to experience symptoms of PTSD, including flashbacks, emotional numbness …
begin to experience symptoms of PTSD, including flashbacks, emotional numbness …
Sentiment analysis: Measuring sentiment strength of call centre conversations
Y Priyadarshana, KIH Gunathunga… - 2015 IEEE …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Measuring sentiment strength can be considered as one of the key areas of sentiment
analysis. The existing sentiment word scoring functions are based on the intensity of …
analysis. The existing sentiment word scoring functions are based on the intensity of …
Development of a novel algorithm for sentiment analysis based on adverb-adjective-noun combinations
JK Sing, S Sarkar, TK Mitra - 2012 3rd National Conference on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There was an emotional outpouring of unprecedented magnitude because of the death of
Michael Jackson thereby creating fresh interest to test various methods of sentiment analysis …
Michael Jackson thereby creating fresh interest to test various methods of sentiment analysis …
A real-time machine learning approach for sentiment analysis
S Sarkar, P Mallick, A Banerjee - Information Systems Design and …, 2015 - Springer
The rapid increase in data volume and human concern about quick information mount the
need for knowledge discovery with meager time span. Discover facts (data) about real entity …
need for knowledge discovery with meager time span. Discover facts (data) about real entity …
Sentiment Analysis using Linguistic Structures-(Adv-Adj-Noun).
AS Aruna, PK Wilson - International Journal of Advanced …, 2014 - search.ebscohost.com
Nowadays individuals as well as institutions are paying increasing attention to sentiment
analysis. Companies are interested in what bloggers are saying about their products …
analysis. Companies are interested in what bloggers are saying about their products …
An efficient approach to book review mining using data classification
Harvinder, D Soni, S Madan - Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future …, 2015 - Springer
With the growing usage of internet and popularity of opinion-rich resources like online
reviews, people are actively using information technology to know and form their opinion …
reviews, people are actively using information technology to know and form their opinion …