Role of estrogen in sex differences in memory, emotion and neuropsychiatric disorders
Estrogen regulates a wide range of neuronal functions in the brain, such as dendritic spine
formation, remodeling of synaptic plasticity, cognition, neurotransmission, and …
formation, remodeling of synaptic plasticity, cognition, neurotransmission, and …
[HTML][HTML] Unveiling the potential of estrogen: Exploring its role in neuropsychiatric disorders and exercise intervention
W He, S Zhang, Z Qi, W Liu - Pharmacological Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Neuropsychiatric disorders shorten human life spans through multiple ways and become
major threats to human health. Exercise can regulate the estrogen signaling, which may be …
major threats to human health. Exercise can regulate the estrogen signaling, which may be …
The loss of estradiol by androgen deprivation in prostate cancer patients shows the importance of estrogens in males
HJT Coelingh Bennink, A Prowse… - Journal of the …, 2024 - academic.oup.com
The role of estradiol (E2; an estrogen) in men needs to be more appreciated. In this review,
we address the clinical situations that allow the study of the clinical consequences of E2 …
we address the clinical situations that allow the study of the clinical consequences of E2 …
Aging, testosterone, and neuroplasticity: friend or foe?
K Saleki, M Banazadeh, A Saghazadeh… - Reviews in the …, 2023 - degruyter.com
Neuroplasticity or neural plasticity implicates the adaptive potential of the brain in response
to extrinsic and intrinsic stimuli. The concept has been utilized in different contexts such as …
to extrinsic and intrinsic stimuli. The concept has been utilized in different contexts such as …
Development of depression in patients using androgen deprivation therapy: A systemic review and meta‐analysis
Background Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is an effective treatment for advanced
prostate cancer (PCa). Multiple studies have highlighted serious consequences this therapy …
prostate cancer (PCa). Multiple studies have highlighted serious consequences this therapy …
Effects of oestradiol treatment on hot flushes in men undergoing androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: a randomised placebo-controlled trial
Objective Most men undergoing androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer
experience hot flushes. Current treatments have low or limited evidence of efficacy. It is likely …
experience hot flushes. Current treatments have low or limited evidence of efficacy. It is likely …
The effect of estradiol add-back: a longitudinal MRI study in prostate cancer patients
O Dandash, J Allebone, A Mirabelli… - Endocrine …, 2024 - ec.bioscientifica.com
We investigated the effect of estradiol add-back therapy (EAT) on brain activation related to
cognitive function and affect in addition to putative changes in gray and white matter volume …
cognitive function and affect in addition to putative changes in gray and white matter volume …
The moderating role of estradiol in the relationship between parenting styles and preschool children's behavioral problems
XIA Moyan, YAN Chao, D Suhua, T **hui, LIU Ying… - **学校卫生, 2024 - cjsh.org.cn
Objective To explore the moderating role of estradiol in the relationship between parenting
styles and preschool children's behavioral problems, so as to provide a theoretical basis for …
styles and preschool children's behavioral problems, so as to provide a theoretical basis for …
夏莫言, 严超, 董素华, 唐金蕙, 刘影, 宋星星, 陶兰… - **学校卫生, 2024 - cjsh.org.cn
目的探讨雌二醇(E2) 在父母教养方式与学龄前儿童行为问题间的调节作用,
为促进学龄前儿童行为健康发展提供理论依据. 方法2022 年9—11 月, 采用分层整群抽样方法 …
为促进学龄前儿童行为健康发展提供理论依据. 方法2022 年9—11 月, 采用分层整群抽样方法 …