Optical inspection of 2D materials: from mechanical exfoliation to wafer‐scale growth and beyond
Optical inspection is a rapid and non‐destructive method for characterizing the properties of
two‐dimensional (2D) materials. With the aid of optical inspection, in situ and scalable …
two‐dimensional (2D) materials. With the aid of optical inspection, in situ and scalable …
Experimental and Computational Investigation of Layer-Dependent Thermal Conductivities and Interfacial Thermal Conductance of One- to Three-Layer WSe2
Two-dimensional materials such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides
(TMDCs) have received extensive research interest and investigations in the past decade. In …
(TMDCs) have received extensive research interest and investigations in the past decade. In …
Excitons in two-dimensional materials
Because of the reduced dielectric screening and enhanced Coulomb interactions, two-
dimensional (2D) materials like phosphorene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) …
dimensional (2D) materials like phosphorene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) …
Large-Area Growth of High-Optical-Quality MoSe2/hBN Heterostructures with Tunable Charge Carrier Concentration
Van der Waals heterostructures open up vast possibilities for applications in optoelectronics,
especially since it was recognized that the optical properties of transition-metal …
especially since it was recognized that the optical properties of transition-metal …
A study of screen-printed electrodes modified with MoSe2 and AuNPs-MoSe2 nanosheets for dopamine sensing
Molybdenum selenide nanosheets (MoSe 2-NS) were synthesized by liquid-phase
exfoliation (LPE) technique and successive liquid cascade centrifugation (LCC) at two …
exfoliation (LPE) technique and successive liquid cascade centrifugation (LCC) at two …
Heteroepitaxial growth of high optical quality, wafer-scale van der Waals heterostrucutres
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are materials that can exhibit intriguing optical
properties like a change of the bandgap from indirect to direct when being thinned down to a …
properties like a change of the bandgap from indirect to direct when being thinned down to a …
Humidity tolerant enhanced hydrogen gas sensing using MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures: An experimental and computational insights
P Kalita, B Mondal - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2025 - Elsevier
In recent times, air pollution's threat to humanity highlights the urgent need for advanced
sensors to monitor harmful gases, essential for industrial regulation, gas leak detection, and …
sensors to monitor harmful gases, essential for industrial regulation, gas leak detection, and …
Identification and classification of exfoliated graphene flakes from microscopy images using a hierarchical deep convolutional neural network
Identification of exfoliated graphene flakes and classification of the thickness are important
in the nanomanufacturing of advanced materials and devices. This paper presents a deep …
in the nanomanufacturing of advanced materials and devices. This paper presents a deep …
Probing magnon–magnon coupling in exchange coupled YFeO/Permalloy bilayers with magneto-optical effects
We demonstrate the magnetically-induced transparency (MIT) effect in Y 3 Fe 5 O 12
(YIG)/Permalloy (Py) coupled bilayers. The measurement is achieved via a heterodyne …
(YIG)/Permalloy (Py) coupled bilayers. The measurement is achieved via a heterodyne …
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Direct and Indirect Band Gaps of WSe2
Y Wang, X Zhang - Micromachines, 2024 - mdpi.com
Low-dimension materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have received
extensive research interest and investigation for electronic and optoelectronic applications …
extensive research interest and investigation for electronic and optoelectronic applications …