[HTML][HTML] An efficient analytical technique for fractional partial differential equations occurring in ion acoustic waves in plasma
In this work, we apply an efficient analytical algorithm namely homotopy perturbation
Sumudu transform method (HPSTM) to find the exact and approximate solutions of linear …
Sumudu transform method (HPSTM) to find the exact and approximate solutions of linear …
Approximate solution of MRLW equation in B-spline environment
In this paper, the numerical solution of the modified regularized long wave equation is
obtained using a quartic B-spline approach with the help of Butcher's fifth-order Runge …
obtained using a quartic B-spline approach with the help of Butcher's fifth-order Runge …
On the new soliton and optical wave structures to some nonlinear evolution equations
In this study, with the aid of the Wolfram Mathematica software, the powerful sine-Gordon
expansion method is utilized to search for the solutions to some important nonlinear …
expansion method is utilized to search for the solutions to some important nonlinear …
Computational algorithm for MRLW equation using B-spline with BFRK scheme
In this paper, septic B-spline approach with linearization and without linearization technique
with the help of Butcher's fifth-order Runge–Kutta scheme is implemented to obtain solitary …
with the help of Butcher's fifth-order Runge–Kutta scheme is implemented to obtain solitary …
Comparative analysis of natural transform decomposition method and new iterative method for fractional foam drainage problem and fractional order modified …
In this paper, a comparative study of natural transform decomposition method and new
iterative method is presented. The proposed methods are tested upon nonlinear fractional …
iterative method is presented. The proposed methods are tested upon nonlinear fractional …
[HTML][HTML] Stee** and dispersive effects analysis of a couple of long-wave equations in dispersive media
Dispersive wave propagations are described by nonlinear models, such as regularized long
waves and modified regularized long waves, where nonlinearity and dispersion are …
waves and modified regularized long waves, where nonlinearity and dispersion are …
A new approach to modified regularized long wave equation
In this paper, a homotopy analysis method employed to obtain approximate numerical
solution of the modified regularized long wave (MRLW) equation with some specified initial …
solution of the modified regularized long wave (MRLW) equation with some specified initial …
[HTML][HTML] A numerical technique for solution of the MRLW equation using quartic B-splines
IA Tirmizi - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2010 - Elsevier
Numerical scheme based on quartic B-spline collocation method is designed for the
numerical solution of modified regularized long wave (MRLW) equation. Unconditional …
numerical solution of modified regularized long wave (MRLW) equation. Unconditional …
Exponential B-spline collocation method for numerical solution of the generalized regularized long wave equation
R Mohammadi - Chinese Physics B, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
The aim of the present paper is to present a numerical algorithm for the time-dependent
generalized regularized long wave equation with boundary conditions. We semi-discretize …
generalized regularized long wave equation with boundary conditions. We semi-discretize …
Two efficient methods for solving the generalized regularized long wave equation
In this paper, an exact method named Riccati–Bernoulli sub-ODE method and a numerical
method named Subdomain finite element method are proposed for solving the nonlinear …
method named Subdomain finite element method are proposed for solving the nonlinear …