Historical masonry building aggregates: advanced numerical insight for an effective seismic assessment on two row housing compounds

M Valente, G Milani, E Grande, A Formisano - Engineering Structures, 2019 - Elsevier
Historical masonry aggregates represent a large portion of the cultural heritage in Italy and
are highly vulnerable to seismic actions, as shown by past seismic events. Typically, they …

[HTML][HTML] Machine-learning for damage assessment of rubble stone masonry piers based on crack patterns

A Rezaie, M Godio, R Achanta, K Beyer - Automation in Construction, 2022 - Elsevier
Under seismic actions, stone masonry buildings are prone to damage. To assess the
severity of damaged masonry buildings and their failure modes, engineers connect these …

Damage assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings incorporating damage accumulation

PGQ Inarritu, M Kohrangi… - Earthquake Engineering & …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Recent earthquakes have shown susceptibility of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings to
damage accumulation in seismic sequences or long duration ground motions. Current …

[HTML][HTML] Quantification of damage evolution in masonry walls subjected to induced seismicity

V Sarhosis, D Dais, E Smyrou, IE Bal, A Drougkas - Engineering Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper aims to quantify the evolution of damage in masonry walls under induced
seismicity. A damage index equation, which is a function of the evolution of shear slippage …

Induced seismicity red-light thresholds for enhanced geothermal prospects in the Netherlands

R Schultz, A Muntendam-Bos, W Zhou, GC Beroza… - Geothermics, 2022 - Elsevier
Prospects for geothermal energy in the Netherlands have renewed concerns around
induced earthquakes. Risks from induced earthquakes are managed by traffic light protocols …

[PDF][PDF] Review of the Seismic Hazard and Risk Protocol for induced seismicity related to gas production from small gas fields in The Netherlands

I Grigoratos, R Schultz, J van Ginkel, T Gunatilake… - SodM report, 2023 - sodm.nl
This report has been compiled by researchers of the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) of
ETH Zurich as commissioned by the State Supervision of Mines (SodM), who are the …

Seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings: Numerical insight on damage causes for residential buildings by the 2016 central Italy seismic sequence and evaluation of …

M Acito, E Magrinelli, G Milani, S Tiberti - Journal of Building Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
This study aims at investigating the causes of damage and collapse of several residential
masonry structures during the devastating seismic sequence that hit Central Italy in 2016 …

[HTML][HTML] Sub-structure-based 'three-tiered'finite element approach to soil-masonry-wall interaction for light seismic motion

M Longo, M Sousamli, PA Korswagen… - Engineering …, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent, light earthquakes induced by the extraction of gas in the north of the Netherlands
have been linked to light, mostly aesthetic damage of the traditional masonry structures in …

Damage monitoring of masonry structures using the acoustic emission technique–From tensile and shear characterization tests to shear wall tests

S Peng, T Parent, ZM Sbartaï, S Morel - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2024 - Elsevier
This study evaluated the ability of the acoustic emission technique (AET) to monitor the
mechanical damage in masonry structures through multiscale experimental tests ranging …

[HTML][HTML] Novel invisible markers for monitoring cracks on masonry structures

IE Bal, D Dais, E Smyrou, V Sarhosis - Construction and Building Materials, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper presents a proof of concept for monitoring masonry structures using two different
types of markers which are not easily noticeable by human eye but exhibit high reflection …