[KNIHA][B] Algorithms and the Assault on Critical Thought: Digitalized Dilemmas of Automated Governance and Communitarian Practice
N Ettlinger - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
This book examines the digitalization of longstanding problems of technological advance
that produce inequalities and automated governance, which relieves subjects of agency and …
that produce inequalities and automated governance, which relieves subjects of agency and …
Privacy worlds: Exploring values and design in the development of the tor anonymity network
This paper explores, through empirical research, how values, engineering practices, and
technological design decisions shape one another in the development of privacy …
technological design decisions shape one another in the development of privacy …
APIVADS: a novel privacy-preserving pivot attack detection scheme based on statistical pattern recognition
RS Marques, H Al-Khateeb… - IEEE transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Advanced cyber attackers often “pivot” through several devices in such complex
infrastructure to obfuscate their footprints and overcome connectivity restrictions. However …
infrastructure to obfuscate their footprints and overcome connectivity restrictions. However …
[HTML][HTML] Privacy Preservation Instruments influencing the trustworthiness of e-government services
H AlAbdali, M AlBadawi, M Sarrab, A AlHamadani - Computers, 2021 - mdpi.com
Trust is one of the most critical factors that determine willingness to use e-government
services. Despite its significance, most previous studies investigated the factors that lead to …
services. Despite its significance, most previous studies investigated the factors that lead to …
[HTML][HTML] Digital localisation in an illicit market space: interactional creation of a psychedelic assemblage in a darknet community of exchange
M Sawicka, I Rafanell, A Bancroft - International Journal of Drug Policy, 2022 - Elsevier
Sociology of drugs and digital sociology—albeit for different reasons—need the analysis of
interactions, an approach underdeveloped in current scholarship. We address this gap by …
interactions, an approach underdeveloped in current scholarship. We address this gap by …
Opensource intelligence and dark web user de-anonymisation
T Wangchuk, D Rathod - International Journal of Electronic …, 2023 - inderscienceonline.com
The dark web has emerged as a platform where cybercriminals carry out illegal activities.
Attempts to investigate and de-anonymise the suspicious dark web users have not been …
Attempts to investigate and de-anonymise the suspicious dark web users have not been …
Notes towards infrastructure governance for large language models
L Dal Molin - First Monday, 2024 - firstmonday.org
This paper draws on information infrastructures (IIs) in science and technology studies
(STS), as well as on feminist STS scholarship and contemporary critical accounts of digital …
(STS), as well as on feminist STS scholarship and contemporary critical accounts of digital …
Infrastructural power: dealing with abuse, crime, and control in the tor anonymity network
B Collier - Cybercrime in Context: The human factor in …, 2021 - Springer
This chapter reports on the first empirical criminological research on the Tor Project, the
organisation which develops the Tor anonymity network. There has been little focus as yet …
organisation which develops the Tor anonymity network. There has been little focus as yet …
저널리즘 및 미디어· 커뮤니케이션 분야 윤리 연구 동향 분석-해외 주요 학술지 논문을 중심으로
상윤모, 박소영 - 미디어와 인격권, 2023 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구는 2013 년 이후 2022 년까지 지난 10 년간 저널리즘 및 미디어・ 커뮤니케이션 분야
해외 주요 학술지에 실린 윤리 관련 연구 경향과 특성을 탐색하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. Web of …
해외 주요 학술지에 실린 윤리 관련 연구 경향과 특성을 탐색하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. Web of …
TNRAS: Tor nodes reliability analysis scheme
W Zhang, T Lu, Z Du - Proceedings of the 2021 11th International …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
With the rapid Internet development, the security attacks become more and more noteworthy
that people have paid more concentration on personal privacy. The Onion Router (Tor), a …
that people have paid more concentration on personal privacy. The Onion Router (Tor), a …