Analyzing and modeling real-world phenomena with complex networks: a survey of applications
The success of new scientific areas can be assessed by their potential in contributing to new
theoretical approaches and in applications to real-world problems. Complex networks have …
theoretical approaches and in applications to real-world problems. Complex networks have …
The AlpArray seismic network: a large-scale European experiment to image the Alpine Orogen
The AlpArray programme is a multinational, European consortium to advance our
understanding of orogenesis and its relationship to mantle dynamics, plate reorganizations …
understanding of orogenesis and its relationship to mantle dynamics, plate reorganizations …
Deep learning networks for stock market analysis and prediction: Methodology, data representations, and case studies
We offer a systematic analysis of the use of deep learning networks for stock market analysis
and prediction. Its ability to extract features from a large set of raw data without relying on …
and prediction. Its ability to extract features from a large set of raw data without relying on …
Technology status and trends of industrial wastewater treatment: A patent analysis
Abstract Globally, 80% of wastewater, among which 28% came from industry, returned to the
ecosystem without treatment or reuse. The discharge of industrial wastewater poses public …
ecosystem without treatment or reuse. The discharge of industrial wastewater poses public …
[KNJIGA][B] Complex networks: structure, robustness and function
Examining important results and analytical techniques, this graduate-level textbook is a step-
by-step presentation of the structure and function of complex networks. Using a range of …
by-step presentation of the structure and function of complex networks. Using a range of …
Extreme risk spillover network: application to financial institutions
Using the CAViaR tool to estimate the value-at-risk (VaR) and the Granger causality risk test
to quantify extreme risk spillovers, we propose an extreme risk spillover network for …
to quantify extreme risk spillovers, we propose an extreme risk spillover network for …
Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks
Electronic databases, from phone to e-mails logs, currently provide detailed records of
human communication patterns, offering novel avenues to map and explore the structure of …
human communication patterns, offering novel avenues to map and explore the structure of …
Intensity and coherence of motifs in weighted complex networks
The local structure of unweighted networks can be characterized by the number of times a
subgraph appears in the network. The clustering coefficient, reflecting the local configuration …
subgraph appears in the network. The clustering coefficient, reflecting the local configuration …
[KNJIGA][B] Scale-free networks: complex webs in nature and technology
G Caldarelli - 2007 - books.google.com
A variety of different social, natural and technological systems can be described by the same
mathematical framework. This holds from the Internet to food webs and to boards of …
mathematical framework. This holds from the Internet to food webs and to boards of …
Correlation structure and evolution of world stock markets: Evidence from Pearson and partial correlation-based networks
We construct a Pearson correlation-based network and a partial correlation-based network,
ie, two minimum spanning trees (MST-Pearson and MST-Partial), to analyze the correlation …
ie, two minimum spanning trees (MST-Pearson and MST-Partial), to analyze the correlation …