Neural signature kernels as infinite-width-depth-limits of controlled resnets
Motivated by the paradigm of reservoir computing, we consider randomly initialized
controlled ResNets defined as Euler-discretizations of neural controlled differential …
controlled ResNets defined as Euler-discretizations of neural controlled differential …
Continuous-time modeling of counterfactual outcomes using neural controlled differential equations
Estimating counterfactual outcomes over time has the potential to unlock personalized
healthcare by assisting decision-makers to answer''what-iF''questions. Existing causal …
healthcare by assisting decision-makers to answer''what-iF''questions. Existing causal …
Accounting for informative sampling when learning to forecast treatment outcomes over time
Abstract Machine learning (ML) holds great potential for accurately forecasting treatment
outcomes over time, which could ultimately enable the adoption of more individualized …
outcomes over time, which could ultimately enable the adoption of more individualized …
Trajectory Flow Matching with Applications to Clinical Time Series Modelling
Modeling stochastic and irregularly sampled time series is a challenging problem found in a
wide range of applications, especially in medicine. Neural stochastic differential equations …
wide range of applications, especially in medicine. Neural stochastic differential equations …
Neural stochastic pdes: Resolution-invariant learning of continuous spatiotemporal dynamics
Stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) are the mathematical tool of choice for
modelling spatiotemporal PDE-dynamics under the influence of randomness. Based on the …
modelling spatiotemporal PDE-dynamics under the influence of randomness. Based on the …
CF-GODE: Continuous-time causal inference for multi-agent dynamical systems
Multi-agent dynamical systems refer to scenarios where multiple units (aka agents) interact
with each other and evolve collectively over time. For instance, people's health conditions …
with each other and evolve collectively over time. For instance, people's health conditions …
Counterfactual neural temporal point process for estimating causal influence of misinformation on social media
Recent years have witnessed the rise of misinformation campaigns that spread specific
narratives on social media to manipulate public opinions on different areas, such as politics …
narratives on social media to manipulate public opinions on different areas, such as politics …
Estimating treatment effects from irregular time series observations with hidden confounders
Causal analysis for time series data, in particular estimating individualized treatment effect
(ITE), is a key task in many real world applications, such as finance, retail, healthcare, etc …
(ITE), is a key task in many real world applications, such as finance, retail, healthcare, etc …
New directions in the applications of rough path theory
This article provides a concise overview of some of the recent advances in the application of
rough path theory to machine learning. Controlled differential equations (CDEs) are …
rough path theory to machine learning. Controlled differential equations (CDEs) are …
Neural graphical modelling in continuous-time: consistency guarantees and algorithms
The discovery of structure from time series data is a key problem in fields of study working
with complex systems. Most identifiability results and learning algorithms assume the …
with complex systems. Most identifiability results and learning algorithms assume the …