Giant spectral renormalization and complex hybridization physics in the Kondo lattice system
We investigate the electronic structure of a Kondo lattice system, CeCuSb 2 exhibiting
significant mass enhancement and Kondo-type behavior. We observe multiple features in …
significant mass enhancement and Kondo-type behavior. We observe multiple features in …
Comparative study of rare earth hexaborides using high resolution angle-resolved photoemission
Strong electron correlations in rare earth hexaborides can give rise to a variety of interesting
phenomena like ferromagnetism, Kondo hybridization, mixed valence, superconductivity …
phenomena like ferromagnetism, Kondo hybridization, mixed valence, superconductivity …
Unusual spectral features in square-net based nonsymmorphic Kondo lattice system, CeCuX2 (X= As/Sb)
We study the electronic structure of a nonsymmorphic Kondo lattice system, CeCuX 2 (X=
As/Sb), a promising class of correlated topological materials important for advanced …
As/Sb), a promising class of correlated topological materials important for advanced …
Ground state anomalies in SmB6
SmB6 has drawn much attention in recent times due to the discovery of anomalies in its
ground state properties as well as prediction of topologically protected gapless surface …
ground state properties as well as prediction of topologically protected gapless surface …
Three-dimensional bulk electronic structure of the Kondo lattice CeIn3 revealed by photoemission
We show the three-dimensional electronic structure of the Kondo lattice CeIn3 using soft x-
ray angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy in the paramagnetic state. For the first time …
ray angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy in the paramagnetic state. For the first time …
Surface analysis of the (001) cleavage plane by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy
P Buchsteiner, L Harmsen, M Ciomaga Hatnean… - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy were performed on the (001) cleavage
plane of praseodymium hexaboride (Pr B 6). We found three different ordered morphologies …
plane of praseodymium hexaboride (Pr B 6). We found three different ordered morphologies …
Electronic structure studies on single crystalline Nd2PdSi3, an exotic Nd-based intermetallic: evidence for Nd 4f hybridization
In the series R 2 PdSi 3, Nd 2 PdSi 3 is an anomalous compound in the sense that it exhibits
ferromagnetic order unlike other members in this family. The magnetic ordering temperature …
ferromagnetic order unlike other members in this family. The magnetic ordering temperature …
Complexity in the hybridization physics revealed by depth-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of single crystalline novel Kondo lattice systems, CeCuX (X = As/Sb)
We investigate the electronic structure of a novel Kondo lattice system CeCuX2 (X= As/Sb)
employing high resolution depth-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of high quality single …
employing high resolution depth-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of high quality single …
On the limits of application of Anderson and Kondo models in physics of strongly correlated electron systems
NE Sluchanko - Low Temperature Physics, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
We argue that the Anderson and Kondo models turn out to be irrelevant for the description of
some strongly correlated electron systems and suggest the mechanism for the formation of …
some strongly correlated electron systems and suggest the mechanism for the formation of …
Depth-resolved electronic structure study of CeCuSb2
We have studied the electronic structure of a Kondo lattice system CeCuSb2 using x-ray
photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). We could expose the Ce-layer as the surface terminated …
photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). We could expose the Ce-layer as the surface terminated …