[HTML][HTML] The growth potential for dairy probiotics

G Reid - International Dairy Journal, 2015 - Elsevier
There has been a rapid rise in global probiotic use, but more recently a drop in dairy
applications in Europe, due to regulatory intransigence and rising costs. This review will …

[HTML][HTML] Towards valorisation of indigenous traditional fermented milk: mabisi as a model

HB Moonga, SE Schoustra, AR Linnemann… - Current Opinion in Food …, 2022 - Elsevier
Africa has a rich cultural heritage that is accompanied by rich traditional foods. Some of
these foods are preserved by traditional fermentation processes, which are transferred from …

Quantifying agricultural productive use of energy load in Sub-Saharan Africa and its impact on microgrid configurations and costs

A Farthing, E Rosenlieb, D Steward, T Reber, C Njobvu… - Applied Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
The use of advanced energy technologies for agricultural purposes—such as irrigation,
refrigeration, crop processing, and egg incubation—has the potential to increase crop yield …

The art of mabisi production: A traditional fermented milk

HB Moonga, SE Schoustra, AR Linnemann… - PloS one, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Fermented dairy products can be rich in beneficial microbes and one such product with
potential is mabisi. Mabisi is a traditional fermented milk product from Zambia made through …

[HTML][HTML] Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli from Raw Cow Milk in Namwala District, Zambia: Public Health Implications

W Mwasinga, M Shawa, P Katemangwe, H Chambaro… - Antibiotics, 2023 - mdpi.com
Escherichia coli (E. coli), a major foodborne disease-causing pathogen found in raw cow
milk, has even far more reaching public health ramifications as it encodes for antimicrobial …

The dynamics of smallholder cattle business systems in Zambia: Geographical opportunities, challenges and sustainability business implications

E Siankwilimba, C Mumba… - Cogent Food & …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The study examines the potential of Zambia's cattle industry as a solution to food insecurity,
while also addressing obstacles such as climate change, disease outbreaks and limited …

Integrated cost-benefit analysis of tsetse control and herd productivity to inform control programs for animal African trypanosomiasis

A Meyer, HR Holt, F Oumarou, K Chilongo, W Gilbert… - Parasites & …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract Background Animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) and its tsetse vector are
responsible for annual losses estimated in billions of US dollars ($). Recent years have seen …

[PDF][PDF] Post-harvest losses management through climate smart innovations: A collaborative approach among value chain actors

B Binge, D Jalango, L Tesfaye - 2023 - cgspace.cgiar.org
The agricultural sector plays an integral part in the economies of Kenya, Ethiopia and
Zambia. It not only contributes to economic development but also supports the dietary and …

An in-depth analysis of factors influencing small-scale cattle farmers' participation in livestock markets in Western Province of Zambia: navigating challenges and …

C Mumba, B Kasanga, CT Mwamba… - Frontiers in Veterinary …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Introductions The low participation of small-scale farmers in livestock markets in sub-
Saharan Africa, including Zambia, is a major inhibitor to private sector investment in the …

Development of a sustainable cattle farming business model for small scale cattle farmers: the case of Namwala district of Zambia.

E Siankwilimba - 2024 - dspace.unza.zm
The transformation of the livestock sector from non-functional to functional has had
numerous systemic hurdles due to the different interactions of systems at play. This research …