Throughfall and stemflow in the forest nutrient cycle
GG Parker - Advances in ecological research, 1983 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses a number of factors influencing the throughfall
and stemflow quality and their variation. The effect of the canopy in altering the precipitation …
and stemflow quality and their variation. The effect of the canopy in altering the precipitation …
White‐sand ecosystems in Amazonia
Vegetation on sandy soils, ranging from open grasslands and shrublands to closed‐canopy,
thin‐trunked forests, can be found in patches throughout the Amazon. Despite variation in …
thin‐trunked forests, can be found in patches throughout the Amazon. Despite variation in …
Direct evidence for phosphorus limitation on Amazon forest productivity
The productivity of rainforests growing on highly weathered tropical soils is expected to be
limited by phosphorus availability. Yet, controlled fertilization experiments have been unable …
limited by phosphorus availability. Yet, controlled fertilization experiments have been unable …
Geochemistry of the Amazon: 2. The influence of geology and weathering environment on the dissolved load
RF Stallard, JM Edmond - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 1983 - Wiley Online Library
In the Amazon Basin, substrate lithology and erosional regime (seen in terms of transport‐
limited and weathering‐limited denudation) exert the most fundamental control on the …
limited and weathering‐limited denudation) exert the most fundamental control on the …
[BOOK][B] A history of the ecosystem concept in ecology: more than the sum of the parts
FB Golley - 1993 - books.google.com
The ecosystem concept--the idea that flora and fauna interact with the environment to form
an ecological complex--has long been central to the public perception of ecology and to …
an ecological complex--has long been central to the public perception of ecology and to …
How people domesticated Amazonian forests
For millennia, Amazonian peoples have managed forest resources, modifying the natural
environment in subtle and persistent ways. Legacies of past human occupation are striking …
environment in subtle and persistent ways. Legacies of past human occupation are striking …
Compositions and fluxes of particulate organic material in the Amazon River 1
JI Hedges, WA Clark, PD Quay… - Limnology and …, 1986 - Wiley Online Library
Lignin, elemental, and stable carbon isotope compositions are reported for local plants and
for coarse (> 63 µm) and fine (< 63 µm) suspended particulate materials collected along a …
for coarse (> 63 µm) and fine (< 63 µm) suspended particulate materials collected along a …
Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest structure and function are mediated by both soils and climate
Forest structure and dynamics vary across the Amazon Basin in an east-west gradient
coincident with variations in soil fertility and geology. This has resulted in the hypothesis that …
coincident with variations in soil fertility and geology. This has resulted in the hypothesis that …
A hierarchical model for decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: application to soils of the humid tropics
P Lavelle, E Blanchart, A Martin, S Martin, A Spain - Biotropica, 1993 - JSTOR
A general model is presented in which the dynamics of decomposition in terrestrial
ecosystems are determined by a set of hierarchically organized factors which regulate …
ecosystems are determined by a set of hierarchically organized factors which regulate …
[BOOK][B] Human adaptability: An introduction to ecological anthropology
EF Moran - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Designed to help students understand the multiple levels at which human populations
respond to their surroundings, this essential text offers the most complete discussion of …
respond to their surroundings, this essential text offers the most complete discussion of …