The emergence and influence of internal states
Animal behavior is shaped by a variety of" internal states"—partially hidden variables that
profoundly shape perception, cognition, and action. The neural basis of internal states, such …
profoundly shape perception, cognition, and action. The neural basis of internal states, such …
Natural behavior is the language of the brain
The breadth and complexity of natural behaviors inspires awe. Understanding how our
perceptions, actions, and internal thoughts arise from evolved circuits in the brain has …
perceptions, actions, and internal thoughts arise from evolved circuits in the brain has …
Optimization of a GCaMP calcium indicator for neural activity imaging
Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) are powerful tools for systems
neuroscience. Recent efforts in protein engineering have significantly increased the …
neuroscience. Recent efforts in protein engineering have significantly increased the …
Ascending neurons convey behavioral state to integrative sensory and action selection brain regions
Knowing one's own behavioral state has long been theorized as critical for contextualizing
dynamic sensory cues and identifying appropriate future behaviors. Ascending neurons …
dynamic sensory cues and identifying appropriate future behaviors. Ascending neurons …
Not so spontaneous: Multi-dimensional representations of behaviors and context in sensory areas
Sensory areas are spontaneously active in the absence of sensory stimuli. This
spontaneous activity has long been studied; however, its functional role remains largely …
spontaneous activity has long been studied; however, its functional role remains largely …
Rapid whole brain imaging of neural activity in freely behaving larval zebrafish (Danio rerio)
The internal brain dynamics that link sensation and action are arguably better studied during
natural animal behaviors. Here, we report on a novel volume imaging and 3D tracking …
natural animal behaviors. Here, we report on a novel volume imaging and 3D tracking …
The spatial and temporal structure of neural activity across the fly brain
What are the spatial and temporal scales of brainwide neuronal activity? We used swept,
confocally-aligned planar excitation (SCAPE) microscopy to image all cells in a large …
confocally-aligned planar excitation (SCAPE) microscopy to image all cells in a large …
State-dependent pupil dilation rapidly shifts visual feature selectivity
To increase computational flexibility, the processing of sensory inputs changes with
behavioural context. In the visual system, active behavioural states characterized by motor …
behavioural context. In the visual system, active behavioural states characterized by motor …
Video-rate volumetric functional imaging of the brain at synaptic resolution
Neurons and neural networks often extend hundreds of micrometers in three dimensions.
Capturing the calcium transients associated with their activity requires volume imaging …
Capturing the calcium transients associated with their activity requires volume imaging …
Functional specialization of mouse higher visual cortical areas
The mouse is emerging as an important model for understanding how sensory neocortex
extracts cues to guide behavior, yet little is known about how these cues are processed …
extracts cues to guide behavior, yet little is known about how these cues are processed …