Oxytocin, neural plasticity, and social behavior

RC Froemke, LJ Young - Annual Review of Neuroscience, 2021 - annualreviews.org
Oxytocin regulates parturition, lactation, parental nurturing, and many other social behaviors
in both sexes. The circuit mechanisms by which oxytocin modulates social behavior are …

Neural circuits for emotion

M Malezieux, AS Klein, N Gogolla - Annual review of …, 2023 - annualreviews.org
Emotions are fundamental to our experience and behavior, affecting and motivating all
aspects of our lives. Scientists of various disciplines have been fascinated by emotions for …

Social circuits and their dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder

M Sato, N Nakai, S Fujima, KY Choe, T Takumi - Molecular Psychiatry, 2023 - nature.com
Social behaviors, how individuals act cooperatively and competitively with conspecifics, are
widely seen across species. Rodents display various social behaviors, and many different …

Brain circuits for pain and its treatment

N Mercer Lindsay, C Chen, G Gilam… - Science translational …, 2021 - science.org
Pain is a multidimensional experience with sensory-discriminative, affective-motivational,
and cognitive-evaluative components. Pain aversiveness is one principal cause of suffering …

Cortical ensembles orchestrate social competition through hypothalamic outputs

N Padilla-Coreano, K Batra, M Patarino, Z Chen… - Nature, 2022 - nature.com
Most social species self-organize into dominance hierarchies,, which decreases aggression
and conserves energy,, but it is not clear how individuals know their social rank. We have …

Anterior cingulate inputs to nucleus accumbens control the social transfer of pain and analgesia

ML Smith, N Asada, RC Malenka - Science, 2021 - science.org
INTRODUCTION Empathy, the adoption of another's sensory and emotional state, plays a
critical role in social interactions. Although, historically, empathy was often considered to be …

The neural and computational systems of social learning

A Olsson, E Knapska, B Lindström - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2020 - nature.com
Learning the value of stimuli and actions from others—social learning—adaptively
contributes to individual survival and plays a key role in cultural evolution. We review …

Prefrontal–amygdala circuits in social decision-making

P Gangopadhyay, M Chawla, O Dal Monte… - Nature …, 2021 - nature.com
An increasing amount of research effort is being directed toward investigating the neural
bases of social cognition from a systems neuroscience perspective. Evidence from multiple …

[HTML][HTML] Correlated neural activity and encoding of behavior across brains of socially interacting animals

L Kingsbury, S Huang, J Wang, K Gu, P Golshani… - Cell, 2019 - cell.com
Social interactions involve complex decision-making tasks that are shaped by dynamic,
mutual feedback between participants. An open question is whether and how emergent …

Cortical regulation of hel** behaviour towards others in pain

M Zhang, YE Wu, M Jiang, W Hong - Nature, 2024 - nature.com
Humans and animals exhibit various forms of prosocial hel** behaviour towards others in
need,–. Although previous research has investigated how individuals may perceive others' …