Semiconductor gas sensors: dry synthesis and application
Since the development of the first chemoresistive metal oxide based gas sensors,
transducers with innovative properties have been prepared by a variety of wet‐and dry …
transducers with innovative properties have been prepared by a variety of wet‐and dry …
Recent theoretical progress in the development of photoanode materials for solar water splitting photoelectrochemical cells
MD Bhatt, JS Lee - Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
The search for earth-abundant materials that can be used in solar water splitting cells
remains an important goal for affordable and environmentally friendly methods for energy …
remains an important goal for affordable and environmentally friendly methods for energy …
Sea urchins-like WO3 as a material for resistive acetone gas sensors
Q Wang, X Cheng, Y Wang, Y Yang, Q Su, J Li… - Sensors and Actuators B …, 2022 - Elsevier
Tungsten oxide (WO 3) with different morphologies (nanorods, spheres, sea urchins and
flowers) were synthesized by a hydrothermal method. Among them, the WO 3 based gas …
flowers) were synthesized by a hydrothermal method. Among them, the WO 3 based gas …
Infrared and Raman study of WO3 tungsten trioxides and WO3, xH2O tungsten trioxide tydrates
MF Daniel, B Desbat, JC Lassegues, B Gerand… - Journal of solid state …, 1987 - Elsevier
The infrared and Raman spectra of powder samples of WO 3 (monoclinic and hexagonal)
and of WO 3, x H 2 O (x= 1, 2, 1 3) have been recorded and the most characteristic vibrations …
and of WO 3, x H 2 O (x= 1, 2, 1 3) have been recorded and the most characteristic vibrations …
Electronic and Structural Properties of WO3: A Systematic Hybrid DFT Study
Various hybrid functionals combined with both plane wave and localized basis sets have
been used for a systematic study of the structural and electronic properties of all phases of …
been used for a systematic study of the structural and electronic properties of all phases of …
Low-temperature open-atmosphere growth of WO 3 thin films with tunable and high-performance photoresponse
Tungsten oxide (WO3), an n-type semiconductor, has many potential applications, eg,
electrochromic devices, photodetectors, photoelectrochemical cells, photocatalysts …
electrochromic devices, photodetectors, photoelectrochemical cells, photocatalysts …
Sheet superconductivity in twin walls: experimental evidence of
A Aird, EKH Salje - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1998 - iopscience.iop.org
Single crystals of that contain ferroelastic twin walls have been chemically deoxygenated
using a gas transport reaction with Na vapour. The reaction product consists of a non …
using a gas transport reaction with Na vapour. The reaction product consists of a non …
Colouration of tungsten oxide films: a model for optically active coatings
K Bange - Solar energy materials and solar cells, 1999 - Elsevier
Optically active thin-" lm coatings can alter their optical properties as a function of changes in
external conditions. The changeable optical characteristics can be obtained by di! erent …
external conditions. The changeable optical characteristics can be obtained by di! erent …
The high-temperature phases of WO3
High-temperature, high-resolution neutron powder diffraction experiments were performed
to investigate the phases of WO3between room temperature and 850° C. Two phases were …
to investigate the phases of WO3between room temperature and 850° C. Two phases were …
Back-end, CMOS-compatible ferroelectric field-effect transistor for synaptic weights
Neuromorphic computing architectures enable the dense colocation of memory and
processing elements within a single circuit. This colocation removes the communication …
processing elements within a single circuit. This colocation removes the communication …