Ingroup favoritism in cooperation: a meta-analysis.
Although theory suggests individuals are more willing to incur a personal cost to benefit
ingroup members, compared to outgroup members, there is inconsistent evidence in support …
ingroup members, compared to outgroup members, there is inconsistent evidence in support …
Statistical physics of human cooperation
Extensive cooperation among unrelated individuals is unique to humans, who often sacrifice
personal benefits for the common good and work together to achieve what they are unable …
personal benefits for the common good and work together to achieve what they are unable …
Why do investors hold socially responsible mutual funds?
To understand why investors hold socially responsible mutual funds, we link administrative
data to survey responses and behavior in incentivized experiments. We find that both social …
data to survey responses and behavior in incentivized experiments. We find that both social …
The benefits of being seen to help others: indirect reciprocity and reputation-based partner choice
When one individual helps another, it benefits the recipient and may also gain a reputation
for being cooperative. This may induce others to favour the helper in subsequent …
for being cooperative. This may induce others to favour the helper in subsequent …
Biological markets and the effects of partner choice on cooperation and friendship
P Barclay - Current opinion in psychology, 2016 - Elsevier
Highlights•People cooperate more when they can choose partners than when partners are
fixed.•Partner choice creates a 'biological market'for the best partners.•Partners are chosen …
fixed.•Partner choice creates a 'biological market'for the best partners.•Partners are chosen …
On the external validity of social preference games: a systematic lab-field study
MM Galizzi, D Navarro-Martinez - Management Science, 2019 - pubsonline.informs.org
We present a lab-field experiment designed to systematically assess the external validity of
social preferences elicited in a variety of experimental games. We do this by comparing …
social preferences elicited in a variety of experimental games. We do this by comparing …
Trust: An integrative review from a person–situation perspective
Trust is a key aspect of various social interactions. Correspondingly, trust has been heavily
studied across different scientific disciplines. However, an integration of the diverse research …
studied across different scientific disciplines. However, an integration of the diverse research …
[HTML][HTML] Greener than thou: People who protect the environment are more cooperative, compete to be environmental, and benefit from reputation
Protecting the environment is a social dilemma: environmental protection benefits everyone
but is individually costly. We propose that protecting the environment is similar to other types …
but is individually costly. We propose that protecting the environment is similar to other types …
Prosocial signaling and cooperation among Martu hunters
Among immediate-return societies, cooperative social relationships are maintained despite
the lack of centralized authority, strong norms of ownership and the punishment of free …
the lack of centralized authority, strong norms of ownership and the punishment of free …
The language of cooperation: reputation and honest signalling
Large-scale non-kin cooperation is a unique ingredient of human success. This type of
cooperation is challenging to explain in a world of self-interested individuals. There is …
cooperation is challenging to explain in a world of self-interested individuals. There is …