Influence of tribology on global energy consumption, costs and emissions
K Holmberg, A Erdemir - Friction, 2017 - Springer
Calculations of the impact of friction and wear on energy consumption, economic
expenditure, and CO 2 emissions are presented on a global scale. This impact study covers …
expenditure, and CO 2 emissions are presented on a global scale. This impact study covers …
Magma/suspension rheology
When considering the rheology of a suspension the fundamental physical aspect to be
quantified is the redistribution of strain between the deformable matrix fraction of the …
quantified is the redistribution of strain between the deformable matrix fraction of the …
Shallow vent architecture during hybrid explosive–effusive activity at Cordón Caulle (Chile, 2011–12): evidence from direct observations and pyroclast textures
In June 2011, an eruption of rhyolite magma began at the Puyehue–Cordón Caulle volcanic
complex, southern Chile. By January 2012, explosive activity had declined from sustained …
complex, southern Chile. By January 2012, explosive activity had declined from sustained …
Experimental constraints on the rheology of lavas from 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption (La Palma, Spain)
Abstract The 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Spain) was typified by the
emission of low viscosity lavas that flowed at high velocities and inundated a large area. We …
emission of low viscosity lavas that flowed at high velocities and inundated a large area. We …
Magma titanium and iron contents dictate crystallization timescales and rheological behaviour in basaltic volcanic systems
Magma ascending through Earth's crust undergoes complex chemical and physical changes
that may induce crystallization, a process that contributes to lead the magmatic system …
that may induce crystallization, a process that contributes to lead the magmatic system …
[HTML][HTML] The effect of oxygen fugacity on the rheological evolution of crystallizing basaltic melts
Storage and transport of silicate melts in the Earth's crust and their emplacement on the
planet's surface occur almost exclusively at sub-liquidus temperatures. At these conditions …
planet's surface occur almost exclusively at sub-liquidus temperatures. At these conditions …
Effect of Bi2O3 on structure and wetting studies of Bi2O3–ZnO–B2O3 glasses
F He, J Wang, D Deng - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011 - Elsevier
Glasses with different Bi 2 O 3 contents (37–42 mol%) have been prepared by conventional
melt quench technique. The IR and Raman studies indicate that these glasses are made up …
melt quench technique. The IR and Raman studies indicate that these glasses are made up …
The fracture behaviour of volcanic glass and relevance to quench fragmentation during formation of hyaloclastite and phreatomagmatism
Quench fragmentation is a non-explosive process that occurs when molten magma is super-
cooled to glass upon contact with ambient water. This occurs when coherent lavas are …
cooled to glass upon contact with ambient water. This occurs when coherent lavas are …
The effects of undercooling and deformation rates on the crystallization kinetics of Stromboli and Etna basalts
A Vona, C Romano - Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2013 - Springer
We have investigated the effect of undercooling and deformation on the evolution of the
texture and the crystallization kinetics of remelted basaltic material from Stromboli (pumice …
texture and the crystallization kinetics of remelted basaltic material from Stromboli (pumice …
The H2O solubility of alkali basaltic melts: an experimental study
P Lesne, B Scaillet, M Pichavant… - … to Mineralogy and …, 2011 - Springer
Experiments were conducted to determine the water solubility of alkali basalts from Etna,
Stromboli and Vesuvius volcanoes, Italy. The basaltic melts were equilibrated at 1,200° C …
Stromboli and Vesuvius volcanoes, Italy. The basaltic melts were equilibrated at 1,200° C …