[HTML][HTML] Efficacy of Bacillus subtilis to replace in-feed antibiotics of broiler chickens under necrotic enteritis-challenged experiments: a systematic review and meta …

N Ningsih, AN Respati, D Astuti, T Triswanto… - Poultry Science, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Necrotic enteritis (NE) and coccidiosis are among the most prevalent infectious diseases in
broiler chickens, contributing to large profitability losses. Bacillus subtilis is a promising …

Osteoimmunology: A link between gastrointestinal diseases and skeletal health in chickens

MK Sharma, P Regmi, T Applegate, L Chai, WK Kim - Animals, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Gastrointestinal diseases in poultry are more significant because of high
economic loss due to production loss, reduced feed efficiency, mortality, compromising bird …

[HTML][HTML] Effects of mixed Eimeria challenge on performance, body composition, intestinal health, and expression of nutrient transporter genes of Hy-Line W-36 pullets …

MK Sharma, G Liu, DL White, YH Tompkins, WK Kim - Poultry Science, 2022‏ - Elsevier
ABSTRACT A study was aimed to investigate the effects of mixed Eimeria challenge on
performance, gastrointestinal health, oxidative stress, inflammation, and expression of …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Probiotic Aspergillus niger on Performance and Cecal Microbiota in Hy-Line W-36 Laying Hens

MK Sharma, DL White, AK Singh, H Liu, Z Tan, X Peng… - Animals, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
Simple Summary The use of antibiotics as a growth promoter in food-producing animals has
been restricted throughout the world. As a result, many antibiotic alternatives have been …

[HTML][HTML] Growth performance, organs weight, intestinal histomorphology, and oocyst shedding in broiler chickens offered novel single strain Bacillus subtilis isolated …

A Gelinas, S Sudan, R Patterson, J Li, D Huyben… - Poultry Science, 2024‏ - Elsevier
We evaluated a single strain Bacillus subtilis BS-9 direct-fed microbial (BSDFM) isolated
from camel dung in Eimeria challenged broiler chickens. Seven-hundred d-old Ross 708 …

[HTML][HTML] From metabolism to vitality: uncovering Riboflavin's importance in Poultry Nutrition

Y Shastak, W Pelletier - Animals, 2023‏ - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Riboflavin, an essential B-vitamin, plays a crucial role in poultry
metabolism, impacting energy production, growth, and immune regulation. Its role in redox …

[HTML][HTML] A meta-analysis of the effect of Eimeria spp. and/or Clostridium perfringens infection on the microbiota of broiler chickens

A Pietruska, C Bortoluzzi, R Hauck - Poultry Science, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Coccidiosis in chickens is caused by Eimeria spp. The infection provides a growth
advantage to Clostridium perfringens (CP), frequently leading to necrotic enteritis. One …

[HTML][HTML] Improvement in the Immunity- and Vitamin D3-Activity-Related Gene Expression of Coccidiosis-Challenged Ross 708 Broilers in Response to the In Ovo Injection of 25 …

SA Fatemi, KS Macklin, L Zhang, A Mousstaaid… - Animals, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Coccidiosis is still considered one of the main diseases affecting the
performance and health of poultry reared under intensive production systems. Vitamin D3 …

Roles and sources of B vitamins in the marine ecosystem

L Wang, H Zhao, R Bi, X Chen, Z Lyu, W Liu - Reviews in Fish Biology and …, 2024‏ - Springer
As coenzymes, B vitamins have long been studied by marine researchers. Numerous
studies have been conducted on the regulation of phytoplankton communities and algal …

Riboflavin and Bacillus subtilis effects on growth performance and woody-breast of Ross 708 broilers with or without Eimeria spp. challenge

S Poudel, GT Tabler, J Lin, W Zhai… - Journal of Animal …, 2022‏ - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
This study was conducted to assess the effects of the dietary supplementation of riboflavin
(as a bile salt hydrolase [BSH] inhibitor) and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance and …