[HTML][HTML] Efficacy of Bacillus subtilis to replace in-feed antibiotics of broiler chickens under necrotic enteritis-challenged experiments: a systematic review and meta …
Necrotic enteritis (NE) and coccidiosis are among the most prevalent infectious diseases in
broiler chickens, contributing to large profitability losses. Bacillus subtilis is a promising …
broiler chickens, contributing to large profitability losses. Bacillus subtilis is a promising …
Osteoimmunology: A link between gastrointestinal diseases and skeletal health in chickens
Simple Summary Gastrointestinal diseases in poultry are more significant because of high
economic loss due to production loss, reduced feed efficiency, mortality, compromising bird …
economic loss due to production loss, reduced feed efficiency, mortality, compromising bird …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of mixed Eimeria challenge on performance, body composition, intestinal health, and expression of nutrient transporter genes of Hy-Line W-36 pullets …
ABSTRACT A study was aimed to investigate the effects of mixed Eimeria challenge on
performance, gastrointestinal health, oxidative stress, inflammation, and expression of …
performance, gastrointestinal health, oxidative stress, inflammation, and expression of …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Probiotic Aspergillus niger on Performance and Cecal Microbiota in Hy-Line W-36 Laying Hens
Simple Summary The use of antibiotics as a growth promoter in food-producing animals has
been restricted throughout the world. As a result, many antibiotic alternatives have been …
been restricted throughout the world. As a result, many antibiotic alternatives have been …
[HTML][HTML] Growth performance, organs weight, intestinal histomorphology, and oocyst shedding in broiler chickens offered novel single strain Bacillus subtilis isolated …
We evaluated a single strain Bacillus subtilis BS-9 direct-fed microbial (BSDFM) isolated
from camel dung in Eimeria challenged broiler chickens. Seven-hundred d-old Ross 708 …
from camel dung in Eimeria challenged broiler chickens. Seven-hundred d-old Ross 708 …
[HTML][HTML] From metabolism to vitality: uncovering Riboflavin's importance in Poultry Nutrition
Y Shastak, W Pelletier - Animals, 2023 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Riboflavin, an essential B-vitamin, plays a crucial role in poultry
metabolism, impacting energy production, growth, and immune regulation. Its role in redox …
metabolism, impacting energy production, growth, and immune regulation. Its role in redox …
[HTML][HTML] A meta-analysis of the effect of Eimeria spp. and/or Clostridium perfringens infection on the microbiota of broiler chickens
Coccidiosis in chickens is caused by Eimeria spp. The infection provides a growth
advantage to Clostridium perfringens (CP), frequently leading to necrotic enteritis. One …
advantage to Clostridium perfringens (CP), frequently leading to necrotic enteritis. One …
[HTML][HTML] Improvement in the Immunity- and Vitamin D3-Activity-Related Gene Expression of Coccidiosis-Challenged Ross 708 Broilers in Response to the In Ovo Injection of 25 …
Simple Summary Coccidiosis is still considered one of the main diseases affecting the
performance and health of poultry reared under intensive production systems. Vitamin D3 …
performance and health of poultry reared under intensive production systems. Vitamin D3 …
Roles and sources of B vitamins in the marine ecosystem
L Wang, H Zhao, R Bi, X Chen, Z Lyu, W Liu - Reviews in Fish Biology and …, 2024 - Springer
As coenzymes, B vitamins have long been studied by marine researchers. Numerous
studies have been conducted on the regulation of phytoplankton communities and algal …
studies have been conducted on the regulation of phytoplankton communities and algal …
Riboflavin and Bacillus subtilis effects on growth performance and woody-breast of Ross 708 broilers with or without Eimeria spp. challenge
This study was conducted to assess the effects of the dietary supplementation of riboflavin
(as a bile salt hydrolase [BSH] inhibitor) and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance and …
(as a bile salt hydrolase [BSH] inhibitor) and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance and …