MCI Nwogugu - Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 2013 - World Scientific
While indices, index tracking funds and ETFs have grown in popularity during then last ten
years, there are many structural problems, tracking errors and biases inherent in index …

Do US paintings follow the CAPM? Findings disaggregated by subject, artist, and value of the work

RJ Agnello - Research in economics, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper investigates to what extent paintings by US artists born before WWII can be
treated like capital assets, and whether the findings are specific to artist, subject matter, and …

[KNIHA][B] Regret theory and asset pricing anomalies in incomplete markets with dynamic unaggregated preferences

MCI Nwogugu, MCI Nwogugu - 2016 - Springer
Although the CML (capital market line), the intertemporal capital asset pricing model
(CAPM), the CAPM/SML (security market line) and the Intertemporal Arbitrage Pricing …

Strategisches Asset-Liability Management in der Versicherungswirtschaft—Ein Ansatz zur integrierten Bilanzstrukturoptimierung

T Basse, M Friedrich, B Krampen… - Zeitschrift für die gesamte …, 2007 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Asset-Liability Management gewinnt in der deutschen
Versicherungswirtschaft zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dies ist zum einen den Entwicklungen …

[KNIHA][B] An examination of value enhancing enterprise risk management implementation framework for malaysian public listed companies

LF Woon - 2011 -
Enterprise risk management or ERM is fast ascending the corporate agenda globally. Its
relevancy and popularity as a management technique are abetted by the changing business …

[PDF][PDF] Finansal varlıkları fiyatlama modelinin analizi: Varsayımlar, bulgular ve hakkındaki eleştiriler

H Bilir - Finans ve Bankacılık Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2016 -
Öz Yatırım fırsatlarının değerlendirilmesi süreci beklenen getiri ve riskin ölçümüne bağlıdır.
Finansal Varlıkları Fiyatlama Modeli (FVFM), çok uzun yıllardır modern finans teorisinin …

Sources of momentum profits in emerging stock markets: The case of Dhaka Stock Exchange

MA Hossan, SB Park - Indian Journal of Finance, 2013 - indianjournalofentrepreneurship …
This study focuses on sources of momentum strategies for the Dhaka Stock Exchange of
Bangladesh. For these purposes, this study applies models based on serial correlation and …

Dynamical Internal Cost of Capital Driven by Cash Flow Growth

D Solo, D Sornette, F Ulmann - Swiss Finance Institute Research …, 2021 -
Based on the insight that risk exposure as quantified in the consumption based asset pricing
model (CCAPM) is linearly proportional to the cash flow growth rate, we introduce a …

MCN-4 Invariants And Homomorphisms Implicit In, And The Irrelevance Of The Mean-Variance Framework: A Multi-Fractal Perspective.

MCI Nwogugu - And The Irrelevance Of The Mean-Variance …, 2023 -
Many aspects of modern statistical analysis and optimization are based almost entirely on
the Mean-Variance (MV) framework and its elements–variance, semi-variance, correlation …

Number Theory,“Structural Biases” and Homomorphisms in Traditional Stock/Bond/Commodity Index Calculation Methods in Incomplete Markets with Partially …

MIC Nwogugu - Indices, Index Funds And ETFs: Exploring HCI …, 2019 - Springer
While stock/bond indices, index tracking funds and ETFs have grown in popularity during
then last ten years, there are many structural problems inherent in index calculation …