[HTML][HTML] EEG microstates as a tool for studying the temporal dynamics of whole-brain neuronal networks: a review

CM Michel, T Koenig - Neuroimage, 2018‏ - Elsevier
The present review discusses a well-established method for characterizing resting-state
activity of the human brain using multichannel electroencephalography (EEG). This method …

Brain entropy, fractal dimensions and predictability: A review of complexity measures for EEG in healthy and neuropsychiatric populations

ZJ Lau, T Pham, SHA Chen… - European Journal of …, 2022‏ - Wiley Online Library
There has been an increasing trend towards the use of complexity analysis in quantifying
neural activity measured by electroencephalography (EEG) signals. On top of revealing …

Colloquium: Criticality and dynamical scaling in living systems

MA Munoz - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2018‏ - APS
A celebrated and controversial hypothesis suggests that some biological systems—parts,
aspects, or groups of them—may extract important functional benefits from operating at the …

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: the role of biomarkers including advanced EEG signal analysis. Report from the IFCN-sponsored panel of experts

PM Rossini, R Di Iorio, F Vecchio, M Anfossi… - Clinical …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease among the
elderly with a progressive decline in cognitive function significantly affecting quality of life …

The new field of network physiology: building the human physiolome

PC Ivanov - Frontiers in network physiology, 2021‏ - frontiersin.org
The human organism comprises various physiological and organ systems, each with its own
structural organization and functional complexity, leading to complex, transient, fluctuating …

Short-term heart rate variability—influence of gender and age in healthy subjects

A Voss, R Schroeder, A Heitmann, A Peters, S Perz - PloS one, 2015‏ - journals.plos.org
In the recent years, short-term heart rate variability (HRV) describing complex variations of
beat-to-beat interval series that are mainly controlled by the autonomic nervous system …

Uncovering disease-disease relationships through the incomplete interactome

J Menche, A Sharma, M Kitsak, SD Ghiassian, M Vidal… - Science, 2015‏ - science.org
INTRODUCTION A disease is rarely a straightforward consequence of an abnormality in a
single gene, but rather reflects the interplay of multiple molecular processes. The …

Introduction to multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis in Matlab

EAF Ihlen - Frontiers in physiology, 2012‏ - frontiersin.org
Fractal structures are found in biomedical time series from a wide range of physiological
phenomena. The multifractal spectrum identifies the deviations in fractal structure within time …

[ספר][B] Epidemiology and the people's health: theory and context

N Krieger - 2024‏ - books.google.com
Why a thoroughly updated and revised second edition of this book about theories of disease
distribution, in past and present societal and ecological context? Because the lived realities …

Detrended fluctuation analysis: a scale-free view on neuronal oscillations

R Hardstone, SS Poil, G Schiavone, R Jansen… - Frontiers in …, 2012‏ - frontiersin.org
Recent years of research have shown that the complex temporal structure of ongoing
oscillations is scale-free and characterized by long-range temporal correlations. Detrended …