Vegan men: Towards greater care for (non) human others, earth and self

K Aavik - Men, masculinities, and earth: Contending with the (m) …, 2021‏ - Springer
The escalating climate crisis we are amidst points to a profound lack of care for (non) human
others and the Earth. Humanity's massive consumption of other animals for food is a key …

[ספר][B] Reading Veganism: The Monstrous Vegan, 1818 to Present

E Quinn - 2021‏ -
Reading Veganism: The Monstrous Vegan, 1818 to Present focuses on the iteration of the
trope'the monstrous vegan'across two hundred years of Anglophone literature. Explicating …

[ספר][B] The Routledge handbook of vegan studies

L Wright - 2021‏ -
Carmen Aguilera-Carnerero got her degree and PhD at the Department of English and
German Philology at the University of Granada (Spain), where she currently teaches. She is …

Becoming hegemony: The case for the (Italian) animal advocacy and veganwashing operations

N Bertuzzi - Journal of Consumer Culture, 2022‏ -
Organized forms of animal advocacy date back to the final decades of the 20th century. Born
in progressive political milieus, animal advocacy and especially the more radical positions of …


EH Giraud - 2021‏ -
“What if plants feel pain too?,”“what about mice killed in harvesting?,”“do you refuse to use a
computer or drive a car due to the animal products involved?,”“what about all the human …

Navigating power relations in community-driven development: An exploration of constructive work

B Bhatt, I Qureshi - Social entrepreneurship and Gandhian thoughts in the …, 2023‏ - Springer
Community-driven development (CDD) is gaining momentum as the challenges of the top-
down economic model are realized. CDD is based on the assumptions that designing and …

“… Like Confrontational About It, which I didn't Expect”—An Analysis of Conversational Experiences of Women Vegans When Dining with Colleagues: Meat Eating as …

M Topić, G Round - Communication Studies, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
This study is based on 28 interviews with women vegans based in England, UK. The study
aimed to explore the everyday experiences and cultural capital of women vegans; however …

The “posthumanists”: Cary Wolfe and Donna Haraway

E Giraud - The Routledge Handbook of Vegan Studies, 2021‏ -
This chapter outlines the—sometimes fraught—relationship between scholarship committed
to vegan ethics and a body of work that is often labeled “posthumanist animal studies”, with …

Mediating lifestyle movements: the ethical ecologies of digital veganisms

EH Giraud - Journal of Cultural Economy, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
This article sets out a framework,'ethical ecologies,'for researching and conceptualizing the
role of media in lifestyle movements. Understanding lifestyle movements is important due to …

Pleasures of the Hunt/We Must Be Creatures: Toward an Ecofeminist Hunting Ethic

C Belmont - Feminist Studies, 2023‏ -
Dressing for work at Dawn this morning, my vision skimming the window was snagged and
pulled outside, drawn by a gaze: in the gray October yard, twenty feet or so from the house …