Analysis of metal transfer and weld forming characteristics in triple-wire gas indirect arc welding

L Liu, Z Wang, T Zhang, X Ba - The International Journal of Advanced …, 2022 - Springer
Triple-wire gas indirect arc welding (TW-GIA) has the advantages of low heat input and high
deposition rate. However, the simultaneous melting of triple wires makes the metal transfer …

[PDF][PDF] 3Cr12 ferritik paslanmaz çeliklerin gaz metal ark kaynağıyla birleştirilmesinde ilave tel türünün mikroyapı ve mekanik özelliklere etkisinin araştırılması

C Çetinkaya, S TAŞÇI, ADA Hakan - Politeknik Dergisi, 2023 -
3Cr12 ferritik paslanmaz çelikler, yapı çelikleri ile östenitik paslanmaz çelikler arasında bir
korozyon direnci performansı sergilemekte olup, yapı çeliklerine yakın mekanik özellikleri ile …

Effects of various shielding gases on the welding of ferritic stainless steel using alternative electrode ER308L for railway wagons

D Govender - 2022 -
The 3CR12 ferritic stainless-steel alloy was first developed as a cost-effective alternative to
AISI 409 ferritic stainless steel, with good weldability and affordability for mildly corrosive …

Various Methods of Metal Transfer in the Welding Process

VK Aswal, JK Jain - … Conference on Energy, Materials Sciences & …, 2020 - Springer
The transfer of molten metal droplets from the electrode to the weld pool or work surface is
considered as a metal transfer. The metal transfer makes a vital role in the formation of the …