Nature and development of the South Tianshan-Solonker suture zone
HD Li, JB Zhou, SA Wilde - Earth-Science Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) was generated through multiple collisional
and accretionary events in the Paleo-Asian Ocean, a major global ocean that existed from …
and accretionary events in the Paleo-Asian Ocean, a major global ocean that existed from …
Paradigms, new and old, for ultrahigh-pressure tectonism
Regional ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terranes exhibit a spectrum of lithological,
structural and petrological characteristics that result from the geodynamic processes that …
structural and petrological characteristics that result from the geodynamic processes that …
Pre-Cenozoic geologic history of the central and northern Tibetan Plateau and the role of Wilson cycles in constructing the Tethyan orogenic system
In order to better constrain the evolution of the Tethyan orogenic system, we conducted an
integrated investigation involving U-Pb dating of igneous and detrital zircon, geochemical …
integrated investigation involving U-Pb dating of igneous and detrital zircon, geochemical …
The collision between the Yili and Tarim blocks of the Southwestern Altaids: geochemical and age constraints of a leucogranite dike crosscutting the HP–LT …
A ca. 600m-long, 0.5–20m-wide NW–SE trending granite dike crosscuts the high pressure–
low temperature (HP–LT) Tianshan metamorphic belt, the foliation of which is parallel to the …
low temperature (HP–LT) Tianshan metamorphic belt, the foliation of which is parallel to the …
Ultrahigh-pressure minerals and metamorphic terranes–the view from China
Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism refers to mineralogical modifications of continental
and oceanic crustal protoliths±associated mafic-ultramafic rocks initially formed or emplaced …
and oceanic crustal protoliths±associated mafic-ultramafic rocks initially formed or emplaced …
Extensional tectonics in the North Atlantic Caledonides: a regional view
H Fossen - 2010 -
Extensional structures characterize significant parts of the North Atlantic Caledonides.
Silurian extensional deformation took place, particularly in the heated crust in the southern …
Silurian extensional deformation took place, particularly in the heated crust in the southern …
Size and exhumation rate of ultrahigh-pressure terranes linked to orogenic stage
A growing set of data indicates a stark contrast between the evolution of two types of
ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terranes: large terranes that evolved slowly (over 10–30Myr), and …
ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terranes: large terranes that evolved slowly (over 10–30Myr), and …
[HTML][HTML] Exhumation of an eclogite terrane as a hot migmatitic nappe, Sveconorwegian orogen
We demonstrate a case of eclogite exhumation in a partially molten, low-viscosity fold nappe
within high-grade metamorphosed crust in the Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian …
within high-grade metamorphosed crust in the Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian …
'Taters versus sliders: Evidence for a long-lived history of strike-slip displacement along the canadian arctic transform system (CATS)
Recent field-based studies indicate that the northern margin of North America is best
interpreted as a tectonic boundary that experienced a long, complex history of strike-slip …
interpreted as a tectonic boundary that experienced a long, complex history of strike-slip …
Exhumation mechanisms of melt‐bearing ultrahigh pressure crustal rocks during collision of spontaneously moving plates
A series of 2D petrological–thermomechanical numerical experiments was conducted to:(i)
characterize the variability of exhumation mechanisms of ultrahigh pressure metamorphic …
characterize the variability of exhumation mechanisms of ultrahigh pressure metamorphic …